Sunday 21 September 2008

Pop your clogs, there's a good little drone!

Even South Park wouldn't go there. And you just know that something is pretty far beyond the pale when even South Park won't go there:

advancing the argument that those who "don't want to be a burden" are entitled not to be - and doing so in a pamphlet called A Duty To Die, was reckless. There is a rhetorical relationship between duties and rights, and to use that phrase is unconsciously to conjure the cliché, "with rights come responsibilities". But the "duty to die" is not the natural concomitant of the "right to die".


"If you're demented," said Baroness Warnock, "you're wasting people's lives - your family's lives - and you're wasting the resources of the National Health Service.

"I'm absolutely, fully in agreement with the argument that if pain is insufferable, then someone should be given help to die, but I feel there's a wider argument that if somebody absolutely, desperately wants to die because they're a burden to their family, or the state, then I think they too should be allowed to die.

Jesus, let's start fucking shooting people at random, shall we? Can we start with old cunts who look just like this:

Because this fucking bossy, authoritarian little harridan cuntwaft has a lot of form: she's the cunt who decreed that we need to put spazmongs and disruptive fucktards in our schools, damaging the classroom experience for non-disruptive kids who just want to get on with their school day. In fact, if there is a poster-girl for the Politically Correct Righteous, that fucking whore is it.

Go on Baroness, I double dare you to put yourself to the same process as you deem fit for the demented and those who feel their lives are a failure: put yourself out of our fucking misery, you've caused this country more fucking damage and drained more of our resources than all the addled aged combined.

You utter cunt.


Old Holborn said...

Social Engineers.

Don't ya just hate them?

I mean, 2 million years we've been on the planet and suddenly THEY have the answer to all human kinds needs. And they only get "the answer" when they are priviledged and have power over us plebs.

I've put that picture on the dashboard and will be looking out for her a zebra crossings.


Anonymous said...

And this was in an interview given for a Church magazine...