Saturday 13 September 2008

The Speech of his Life?

No, not the Gorgon, but Millipede. People are saying that the Gorgon is going to have to raise the game at the conference, but I think Jesus Christ himself would look at Gorgon's political career and say "I can't resurrect that!"

Other pundits are saying that the Millipede can come forward and recover his leadership challenge. I think this is a crock. It's already clear from the way he got pissed on by the Russians and his inability to turn that into a positive "narrative" that he's just another incompetent fuck with ideas so far above his station, it's embarrassing.

It looks like Bliar and Campbell were the political brains of the outfit, once that was gone, the facade was taken away and what was left was a staggeringly incompetent bunch of thieves on the make, looking like the shameless, clod-hopping thugs that they are. (And I'm not saying that Bliar and Campbell weren't incompetent fucks on the make -- just that they were good at hiding it!)

And sadly, Trixi ... Millipede is the most gormless of the lot.


Trixy said...

Love is blind.

But marriage is a real eye opener.

Obnoxio The Clown said...


You're not wrong there!