Thursday 4 December 2008

Chippy hoist by his own petard

Yes! Gerald Warner has the details:

Has everybody forgotten the controversy that overshadowed Pay's appointment earlier this year and caused the Queen to refuse her the private audience traditionally granted to an incoming Sergeant at Arms? The Queen was furious, not so much because Gorbals Mick had failed to accord her the courtesy of consulting her about what is a royal appointment, but because he had arbitrarily downgraded the office of Sergeant at Arms by depriving it of responsibility for security throughout the whole Palace of Westminster, a feature of the post since 1451, and restricting it to the Commons chamber.

So Pay, thanks to Martin's high-handed behaviour, had no authority to allow anybody to enter the Palace of Westminster or Damian Green's office. Only Martin can be held responsible for admission to any part of the Palace outside the Commons chamber. His appointment of Pay, after refusing to renew the contract of Major General Peter Grant Peterkin whom he disliked, perhaps for his public school and army background, saw the ludicrous promotion of a former Department of Employment civil servant to a post she has proved herself totally unqualified to occupy.

Time for the speaker to help himself to the sex and travel option.


Update: Bobshead Revisited thinks Martin's a useless, bumbling twat.

Hat tip to Timmy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but because he had arbitrarily downgraded the office of Sergeant at Arms by depriving it of responsibility for security throughout the whole Palace of Westminster

Does anybody seriously think that was Mick's idea? He's too thick to think of it for himself and too stupid to understand the implications. They'll have told him he was a heck of a manager for saving about £60k on the wages and that it would go towards his expenses.

Pay herself was selected months ago to be someone who simply would not understand why she should have have barred the doors and called for the soldiers. It's like Blofeld getting his hypnotized girlies to do security duty, and then walking in to the place to take what he wanted.

It doesn't matter that she didn't have the authority; what mattered is that she would gormlessly sign the chitty and open the gate. Saves going to all that bother of wooden horses.