Thursday 18 December 2008

"Christmas Glitter"

Dude, WTF? What kind of deranged cock-biting fucktard dreamed this shit up? It's like sending anthrax powder in your Christmas cards! Do you do it just in case the happy recipient of your card might want an excuse to get out the fucking Hoover?

Get a grip you fucking cuntbunnies: it's not cute, it's not clever, it's a fucking annoyance of the highest order.


Anonymous said...

When my sisters and I were young, our favourite toy was making pictures decorated with coloured glitter sprinkled on to glue.

There were three of us and we wanted this toy every year - including the printing set for mis-printing the inside of the cards. By New Year the carpet had a mulch of glue, glitter and tiny black rubber chips. Passing grandparents got stuck in it like flies in amber.

Anonymous said...

Surely this is just the thing to send to people you dont like.

Sue said...

My mum got a bit in eye once and instead of easing it out immediately, she ignored it.

She had to go the Doctors several days later as it had embedded itself in her eyeball and given her a terrible infection.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

@anonymous 16:50: what are you trying to say here? :o)