Tuesday 2 December 2008

Let the ginger dole-mongs fuck off then!



Wyrdtimes said...

Don't forget the Barnett Formula:

Funding from central government per person per year.

* Northern Ireland £9,385
* Scotland £8,623
* Wales £8,139
* England £7,121

Or the West Lothian Question.

Or the undemocratic regionalisation of England.

Truly the English are getting the Brown end of the stick and it stinks.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Tee hee, I remember a couple of years back when the SNP claimed that Scotland could support itself (on the basis they got all the oil tax revenues), since when oil price has fallen etc.

In any event, your second chart underestimates the misery - average gummint spending per person in the UK is north of £10k per annum, twice what it was in 1997 (not adjusted for inflation).