Tuesday 2 December 2008

A statistic that shames Britain?

The truth, based on research by Kids Company and London University, is that one in five children in deprived inner cities is surviving neglect and abuse.

Ah, well, it all depends on how you define neglect and abuse.

But let's face it, if you've spent the last two generations telling people they don't need to be good parents and the state will take care of everything, what do you think is going to happen?


Hacked Off said...

A fucking lot of this shit is downto the left wing do good tossers in academia who went happily and blindy along with the dismantling of grammar schools and the mantra that every child is equal.

Aristotle said that is equally unjust to treat unequals equally as it is to threat equals unequally.

Thereis ALWAYS a range of abilities and talents within any group, from the fucking mongs to the genius. Just look at the fucking cabinet for proof, although Mandy's genius is for enriching himself at the public trough. Spotting the lower end of the bell curve is very easy.

The Penguin

Window Licker said...

Sunny-D and Micro-Chicken Dippers. Kids born into the world as a means of getting a house. And then a bigger house and extra benefits. Parents that then treat the kids like shit, plenty of money for fags and faux-Nike Tracksuits tho'.

With unemployment going up the old excuse "Why bother at School, there's no jobs" will be trotted out again.

Stop the system of kids mean houses Labour, for fucks sake.