Wednesday 3 December 2008

That 2 year mortgage holiday

What a typical Gordian Knot - grab the headlines, then we discover all the holes:

Let's start with the banks: "Huh? We don't know anything about this!"

Then we hear from the more financially minded: "It doesn't cover 1/10th of the people you might think it does."

"And it doesn't cover as much as you might think it does."

And then, the great caravanner herself weighs in:

"It shares the risk of home ownership at this difficult time across all the partners - the Government, the lenders and the borrowers. We want to see all lenders signing up to this scheme as part of their efforts to ensure that repossession is always an absolute last resort."

Listen you ugly boot-faced cunt: the government isn't a fucking partner in this deal, you don't have any fucking money in this game: IT'S MY FUCKING MONEY YOU ARE USING TO BAIL OUT THE INCOMPETENT AND THE FECKLESS.

Just fuck off, OK? You rabid old bat-faced munter.


Anonymous said...

well said my sentiments entirely. Please Gordon let me invest my own money 'cos I'm sure I'd get a better return

Leg-iron said...

They just make it up as they go along.

How many more have to go public with 'Oh no we didn't' before they get the idea?

Gordon might not yet have the powers of a dictator but he's certainly putting in some practice.

Nick von Mises said...

Be glad it only covers 1/10th of the people you think it does. Given the choice between total bankruptcy and political theatre, I choose the latter. It's not like it's gonna get the meddlesome ratbag re-elected

Lord Elvis of Paisley said...

Well said sir...and so eloquently put.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people are going to think "hang on, does this mean if I spend my mortgage on fags and booze, the government will step in and pay it?"

Given our vast welfare class, I would imagine the number is a surprisingly high one.

I would like to buy a house, but cannot because the price is too high. People who overextended themselves are getting my tax money to underwrite their mortgage. I wasn't going to vote for the fat thief anyway, but I definitely am not now.

Next time you hear Labour spout off about prudence and saving, don't choke to death laughing.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder how many people are going to think "hang on, does this mean if I spend my mortgage on fags and booze, the government will step in and pay it?""

Yes, And they'll give you more taxpayers money if instead of spending it on booze and fags, you stick it in a bank (to spend on booze and fags later on, no doubt), as Leg-Iron points out:

So, you can't lose. The government is giving away money. Not their money, naturally....

Hacked Off said...

Horse faced old bag was surprise winner in the "Ugliest" poll at my blog, beating the Snot Gobbling Jaw Dropping Cyclops into second place.

The Penguin