Friday 12 December 2008

The Voters have Spoken

172 people voted. 117 people (68.02%) think we really are fucked beyond human comprehension, 29 people (16.86%) think we are completely fucked, 12 people (6.98%) think we are a lot fucked, 1 person (0.58%) thinks we're a little fucked. 13 people (7.68%) are going to vote Labour again.

You can lead a horse to water, it seems ...


Dungeekin said...

You can lead a labour voter to the facts, but you cannot make them think.

You can, however, engrave the facts on stone tablets, then rectally insert them with a red-hot poker.

F***ed beyond all human comprehension.


Anonymous said...

Lots of people are speaking today:

Manchester voters: 'Congestion Charging? No thanks'

De Menezes jury: 'Open, and thanks for trying to gag us, but now we'll tell all..'

Anonymous said...

13 voters with a sense of humour I'd say!

I'd love to think that there aren't 13 zanoolabia voters in the country.

Would it be non-PC to suggest;
not paid tax this year? don't get to vote

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Well, the polls suggest that there are still around 40% of the electorate who would give their vote to ZNL next time round.

We really do get the government we deserve, don't we?

Anonymous said...

I haven't fucking done anything to deserve zanulabia!

How many kittens and puppies would I have to kick to death to deserve Gourdy?

There aren't enough kittens in the world...

Perhaps a sky pixie has fucked up and given the UK the karma for the nazi death camps?

Is that how it works if you believe in sky pixies?

Anonymous said...

Zanulabia is bringing us together..

Spent some time with my new bank manager discussing UK credit worthiness versus that of Ronald McDonald...I've never had a bonding moment with a bank manager before!

Anonymous said...

"Well, the polls suggest that there are still around 40% of the electorate who would give their vote to ZNL next time round."

That would be the 40% who's jobs or handouts depend on them staying in power. I simply can't believe anyone else would, - would they????

WV - sindmath - is this what they teach in skool now?