Tuesday 6 January 2009

Handbags at dawn

Oh dear, I seem to have created a minor firestorm in the blogosphere. For the record:

If anybody could be arsed to actually READ the whole thread to which I posted the link, I'm sure they'll find I had NOTHING to do with identifying the other blogger, I just happened to be there at the time, along with about 50 other forum members.

My post had nothing to do with his opinion and everything to do with showing proof of him being an overwrought drama queen.

All this flummery about me "coming after" his family or having "twisted reasons" is utter cock. I have "done" nothing before and I have "done" nothing "again".

If you had no knowledge of the person in question, no preconceived notions about either myself or the other blogger, you'd think I was dealing with a bit of an overwrought drama queen. Well, I certainly would.

And people have blindly swallowed his reasoning as to why I made the post. Well, I suppose he should be pleased with the credibility he has. He has certainly managed to hype this to buggery, which will do his stats no end of good.

I would merely make the observation that I simply grabbed a link to the largest of his many "shitbins" and posted that. You can choose to believe that or not. You'll notice that it wasn't me who banged on about his details being available in that thread. All I said was "he has form for being an overwrought drama queen, here's proof."

If you need more proof that he's an overwrought drama queen, how about "coming after" his family for "twisted reasons"? He's certainly pushing that meme. Apparently, if any of his kids stubs a toe from now on, that will be my fault and he'll be "coming for me."

Also, this apparently constitutes a direct official LPUK attack (with full approval from the inner circle) on a former member for having a contrary opinion, rather than a humorous side-swipe by a rank-and-file member at an overwrought drama queen.

It's all a vicious conspiracy to get one of the blogosphere's leading lights extinguished. And his family. And his pet fish. (I don't know if he has one, I'm just guessing.)

Woo. No wonder my missus won't take this blogging shit seriously.


Martin said...

It was a total cock up from the start. Blew right out of proportion.

Let us never speak of this again.

Hacked Off said...

AS I posted elsewhere (only for it to vanish?) I DID read the entire 59 pages, which to me seemed to be nothing more edifying than a group of established bullies picking on an mouthy new kid. Obo was not personally responsible for the underhanded publishing of details of the new kid's real Identity, or of putting his contact phone number on a dodgy "adult" site.

However, Obo is guilty of carelessly dragging the whole sorry saga back into the light of day.

Personally, I hope the two of you can re-establish a decent relationship and get on with the important work of destroying the Righteous.

The Penguin

Anonymous said...

Oi BaccyBoy, Clown, Kitchen sort yourselves out and get back to what you're good at, sticking the boot into the twats that are ruining this country.

Ta lots


Giolla said...

Having waded half way through those 59 pages and finding myself slowly losing the will to live, it al reminds me of a September day on alt.flame. The depressing thing, having also read the thread on the same site about OH's stroll is that many peoples behaviour doesn't really seem to have changed over the intervening years. Whilst I'd hate to judge any party by it's members, when they're the higher profile ones I do for the established mob so I'm inclined to do so for new party's as well.

Ho hum.

Old Holborn said...

As I said Obo, I'm finished with you.

You've hunted and hounded me for four years now. I don't even know what you want. My children have suffered, I've resigned from the one party I could truly do something for, my business has been attacked, you've told the entire lunatic interweb where I live, my phone number, my address, my name, my company, death threats are pouring in.

What, exactly, do you want from me?

DavidNcl said...

Personally OH I'd like you to fuck off, enjoy life and above all keep your lying, anti-Semitic, mouth shut.

If Obo has accomplished that - then all to the good.

Window Licker said...

The comments on the other replies/blogs about anonymity are so fucking naive it beggars belief.

Look, get fuck-off gobby on sensitive issues in public and the consequences can be fucking dire - let's make no fucking mistake. Unless you've got MP style protection available to you, or a safe house in Canada, best stay away from certain topics.

Free speech? Yeah, if you like hiding for the rest of your fucking life. Just ask the winner of the longest hide and seek game ever, Salman Rushdie, about that fucker.

OH you refer to the lunatic interweb, is this a different lunatic interweb than the one you think reads your blog?

It's not about Obo, someone could have found you without that fifty pages on GC. All that fifty pages shows iirc is a pair of your overall hanging on a door, your blogger profile tells everyone all they need to know about you to find you.

Anonymous said...

Not having read the run up to this, and being a veteran of intarwebnet flamewars (and indeed, the longest September evar), there's only going to be one way of resolving this for good.

Delete all posts and blog stories where offending material is to be found. Fix robots.txt on your websites to remove the google cached entries.

Then, 3 rounds, 2 minutes each, no seconds, no weapons, no gloves and Queensbury.

And post it to youtube.

HTH. Because in the meantime while you argue amongst yourselves, Gordon "Texture Like Sun" Brown has likely shafted us all again.

What is more important to you both - continually antagonising each other online or getting on with discrediting this useless government of fuckwits and cockmonkeys?

Old Holborn said...

Obo, You won

Hacked Off said...

For fuck's sake, this is not good.

I want BOTH of you blogging.

Get a grip, please!

The Penguin

Giolla said...

What the penguin said.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

@the penguin: you're a better man than me. I got to page 4 and lost the will to live.

However, I'm grateful that someone has at least read the damn thing and knows that I'm not guilty of the things of which OH accuses me.

I don't want OH to fold, I enjoy reading his stuff, even when I don't agree with it. One thing GC taught me was to value a well-constructed argument, even while you're busy demolishing it.

I just can't cope with this prima donna shit that comes out every so often and I'll be fucked before I shut up on the strength of his bullying.

But you needn't worry. He'll get pissed off on GOM (where I see he's posting like a bastard again, despite swearing that he'd never set foot there again, probably for something similar to what he's accusing me of today) and then he will post a couple of rants on GC and then he'll be back on his blog.

I'd be surprised if it actually gets closed in 5 days time. I'm sure someone will be able to talk him round. ;o)

SaltedSlug said...

Fuck this theatrical gayness.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Fuck this theatrical gayness.

Mmm ... thought-provoking!

banned said...

obnoxio the cunt more like

Anonymous said...

I don't have a clue what's going on, but I enjoy a good internet fight so keep up the good work.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

I enjoy a good internet fight

If you find one, let me know.

Anonymous said...

I found GC forum boringly childish, in particular the pathetic cockwaving about statporn. Although it's often pretty easy to determine someone's identity from the clues they post, someone did actually make OH's beyond obvious and only a useless w@anker of an admin would leave such a thread up.

As for the duped zioNAZI apologists,
they must be utterly useless at finding info because there's more proof out there of what a plain evil coniving bunch ardent zionists are than you can ever read in your whole life, and that's AFTER cutting the chaff.

Anonymous said...

So Anon, does that mean that you still haven't managed to finish 'The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion'? I didn't know that it was THAT long.

I read that GC thread too, and from OH's bullshit on there, I now don't believe for one minute that he's received death threats.

If all these evil zioNAZI (to coin Anon's term) thugs really exist, then why are they picking on OH?

After all, it's not as if his views on the Israel/Palestine issue aren't pretty mainstream in this country. Personally, I don't meet anyone else in everyday life who sympathizes with Israel, which doesn't exactly make me popular at times.

For example, Councillor Terry Kelly (not that I've met him but I've read his blog, unfortunately) holds pretty much the same views as OH, and he's obviously never made any attempt to be anonymous.

How come the Evil Joos aren't setting fire to dogshit and putting it through HIS letterbox, then?

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Can't say that I disagreed with most of what he said though, and I enjoyed his rants.

Snarky Basterd said...

Would that be leather handbags or plastic? Just considering velocity, elevation, drift, and shear. Sorry...old military habits die hard.

Anonymous said...

Not having read all the posts and comments leading up to this, I'm a little in the dark.

It seems that OH blames Obo for drawing attention to details he himself put up on the Internet. True?

And has now announced the closure of his blog over it. True?

Couldn't all of this have been avoided if he'd just admitted that he got the video completely wrong because it fit with his preconceived ideas, so he saw what he wanted to see?

An apology and correction on his blog would have taken the wind out of most of his critic's sails.

The rest was all his opinion, and we all have those (and shouldn't expect even 100% of our regular readers to agree with all of them).

Very sad.

Trixy said...

I read it. You didn't post his name or number and you'd have to search pretty hard to find it (and I'm still not sure).

Not that I was ever going to be that sympatheticwith someone with such a hatred of Jewish people.

Politics: oh, the fun.

John Pickworth said...

JuliaM said...

Not having read all the posts and comments leading up to this, I'm a little in the dark.

It seems that OH blames Obo for drawing attention to details he himself put up on the Internet. True?

Absolutely true.

Although with OH nothing is that straight forward. At one point 4 years ago he seems to have been threatening to sue all 'n' sundry for supposedly publishing a phone number (which was actually displayed front and centre on his very own website) and the next he's posting family snaps of his kids! Go figure!

And has now announced the closure of his blog over it. True?

Mmmmm true, kinda.

I suspect he wanted out anyway. He's become more beliggerant of late and was even hinting over the New Year that he might not return - before any of this blew up. He'd also quit the Libertarians because they were sending tanks to Israel - or to hear him go on you'd think he thought so. I can't help feeling he'd had enough and just wanted to go out in a blaze of glory... the trouble comes when the flames feed his ego and he spends the next few months needlessly keeping the fire going.

To be honest, I don't know what's going on with him. I've found myself becoming ever more distrustful of his methods/motives and have reduced my comments there accordingly. Having said that, Old Holborn did have a certain style and could definitely draw a crowd - although perhaps largely the wrong one (Guido's cast-offs?). Shame really.

Anyway, I've made my last posts on OH's blog; telling him how disappointed I am with him (like he'd even care?) and another one defending Obnoxio... who, it must be said, has done no wrong.

Anonymous said...

This is soooo funny I pissed my panties.

Anonymous said...

Obo, you twat.

Whatever your viewpoint, stay within the unwritten boundaries we set for ourselves.

Respect: Gone.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Right, so did you actually read the thread that I posted up, or are you just taking Old Holborn's word as gospel?

Anonymous said...

"did you actually read the thread that I posted up"

I imagine not. Who wants to inconvenience themselves when they are getting worked up into a factless, righteous rage?

Anonymous said...

Fucking grow up the lot of you. Pricks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob Farrington:
Learn how to use a search engine and enter "zionism" and "zionist", Irgun etc. Then learn how to verify facts instead of reading the Daily Thicko.
You won't, because you'll have proof of how ignorant you are, and that goes for all the duped Israel apologists.

JuliaM said...

"Hey Rob Farrington:
Learn how to use a search engine and enter "zionism" and "zionist", Irgun etc. "

Heh. Yeah, because everything you read on the Internet is 100% true!


Anonymous said...

Learn how to use a search engine and enter "zionism" and "zionist", Irgun etc. Then learn how to verify facts instead of reading the Daily Thicko.
You won't, because you'll have proof of how ignorant you are, and that goes for all the duped Israel apologists.

Hey Anonymong,

Learn how to use a search engine and put in the terms 'thick' 'as' 'pigshit' you'll be surprised to see a picture of you!

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic storm in a teacup.

And to think I was just beginning to wonder whether I should join LPUK.

If you can't all grow up and manage to disagree without indulging in this sort of toy-throwing, the laughter of the Statists will be your only reward.

And deservedly so.

Citizen Stuart said...

I only found out about this flame war yesterday, and I'm already sick of hearing about it. You and OH have got more in common than differences, so how about making up and getting back to the main business of sticking it to the statists? I want to see a Libertarian government before I die of old age.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Citizen Stuart, I've had four years of this (albeit not constantly.) To be honest, I thought we had finally reached some kind of detente when we started blogging, but I now see I was wrong.

It's all out there for you to read for yourself. I have no wish for OH to stop blogging or posting on any forum, he has made this Grand Guignol gesture in the same way he makes them everywhere else he gets a strop on. (And not always or even mostly because of me.)

I enjoy his writing even when I disagree violently with him. However, I'm not going to let him bully me with these ludicrous accusations of "wishing harm" to him or his family.

If he was that worried about himself and his family, why did he post photos all over the internet, including in the very thread he claims I used to identify him?

Old Holborn's claims about my motivation and what I have done in the past and what I have done now are somewhere between specious and ludicrous.

The thing that baffles me is that after years of having bloggers point out lies in the MSM, by other bloggers and elsewhere, people have come to believe the words of a particular blogger as utterly infallible. I'm amazed at how uncritically his accusations are being accepted in all sorts of places.

Thud said...

This has all been rather interesting.I have some concerns as to family safety in OH's case but having been threaten in the past in real life I think it's just part of the job one does...in his case mouthing off. I have also learnt...how to swear and that I'm a zionist dupe...who knew?

Old Holborn said...

Firstly, I DIDN'T put up my name. Some admin cretins used my sign up Email to find my real name, address and phone number, photo's of me, my kids and details of my business. And then posted it for all to see. They have refused to remove it for over three years.

Correct Obo?

Obo very kindly decided yesterday that the rest of the world should also have an opportunity to see what they had done and find out who I really am. Because he didn't like my stand on Israel.

Correct Obo?

1. How Libertarian is that? I'm not entitled to be anonymous? Yet YOU are?

Answer. It isn't. Obo YOU posted the link, not me. That's the same as pointing out my name in the phone book to all and sundry and then bleating "oh, but it's in the public domain!! Look!"

2. It's downright dangerous. I have nothing to hide but now, thanks to you, have everything to fear. Simply for having a different opinion from you.

Cheers mate.

You dragged a pointless spat, containing MY name and address, posted without MY consent on a four year old forum visited by twelve people onto MY blog visited by thousands. YOU did it. Not me.

And then did the same on the LPUK blog! A NATIONAL POLITICAL PARTY of which you and I are members!

I really still don't know why you did it. Was it to drive traffic to the deserted forum over there? Was it to publicly "out" me? Get one over on me? What? Why?

Call yourself a Libertarian?

As for being bullied by me, anyone reading all 57 pages of abuse by all and sundry against me for the last three years over there might come to a different conclusion about who is the bully.

Contrary to all your sniggering and huffing and puffing, my blog will NOT be back. I'm finished with it. Like most other things I've done in life, I tried my hand at it and succeeded. It pulled 78,000 readers in November, all of them potential LPUK members and YOU trashed it. Because YOU had to tell the world that YOU know who I really am.

More than anything, I am annoyed that MY blog, created a mere 12 months ago from nothing and now the 16th most influencial political blog in the UK was nothing more than a monumental waste of time and effort. Because YOU couldn't resist telling everyone who I am in a spiteful, unnecessary post.

You have no right to wear a Libertarian badge. You are anything BUT a Libertarian. You are a coward, a sneak, a lowlife. And I shall be advising anyone who cares to listen exactly that. I'm surprised the LPUK haven't thrown you out yet. I would.

And you do it all from behind a mask whilst pointing ME out to the baying crowd.

Happy with your work, little man?

Run back over "there" and tell them how angry I am. They'll be thrilled, I'm sure. Both of them.

Anonymous said...

Obo, you really are a cunt of the highest order.

I hope you pay for this

Anonymous said...

I thought Libertarians took responsibility

All I see is Obo shouting "it wasn't me", when it looks like it was.

What a Hoon

Anonymous said...

You bastard.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Obo very kindly decided yesterday that the rest of the world should also have an opportunity to see what they had done and find out who I really am. Because he didn't like my stand on Israel.

Correct Obo?

Absolutely incorrect.

My post was: "I wondered how long it would take for Old Holdborn to throw his toys out of the pram, look, here are 50 pages of Old Holborn throwing his toys out of the pram."

You were the one who created this absolute kerfuffle about me doing it because of reasons you've dreamed up. You were the one who went ballistic claiming it identified you. You were the one who ran around shouting about it being some Libertarian conspiracy.

Just like you ran around in that thread blaming all and sundry for something we only have your word happened. However, despite your obvious distaste, you went on posting up photos in that thread and waving your cock around.

You claimed four years ago that the people who did this had exposed you and your family to harm, yet here you are today shouting the same drivel about the exact same thing.

Personally, I'd have thought you may have taken a lesson from your alleged experience, I certainly did. But instead of creating another, untraceable persona and doing what you did, either arrogance or stupidity led you to keep on banging on with your Old Holborn persona, even though you knew full well that there was information about you out there.

But all this is by the by as far as I'm concerned. I pulled up that post to show that you have form for melodramatically spitting your dummy out when you don't get your way.

I can see nothing in your bullshit tirades since then that have proven me wrong.

And all this other crap from your fans shouting about my denying responsibility: at what point did I deny making the post? The only thing I deny is the reason Old Holborn ascribes to my action. It had fuck all to do with Libertarianism, fuck all to do with Israel, and fuck all to do with outing him.

The ONLY reason I made that post was to show what an overwrought drama queen Old Holborn is when he doesn't get his way and how he is forever quitting dramatically and never coming back.

Anybody who doesn't accept that can go take a flying frosted fuck at a rolling doughnut.

Anonymous said...

How ironic.

Obo wants to remain anonymous but publicly outs OH.

What a nasty little lickspittle you are.

Anonymous said...

Just a coincidence in timing then. Oh, really?

Anonymous said...

An anonymous blog created "a mere 12 months ago" using a persona that had been publicly linked to the real life identity for "over three years"?!

Genius OH, genius!

And as for the implication that it's unfair for others to maintain their anonymity because OH has been outed, well, that's just absurd. They're just a little brighter.

Besides, how many victims of terrorism perpetrated by Jews or their supporters have there ever been in the UK? I think OH will get by just fine.

Anonymous said...

An anonymous blog created "a mere 12 months ago" using a persona that had been publicly linked to the real life identity for "over three years"?!

Genius OH, genius!

And as for the implication that it's unfair for others to maintain their anonymity because OH has been outed, well, that's just absurd. The others are just a little brighter.

Besides, how many victims of terrorism perpetrated by Jews or their supporters have there ever been in the UK? I think OH will get by just fine.

Anonymous said...

I had a look at these fifty odd pages mentioned to get a fair and balanced view of this debate.
Old Holborn states that the admins of that board used their admin rights to steal his email address to track and reveal his identity.
Out of curiosity I pressed the button marked "email" on one of Old Holborn's posts and it opened up my outlook email programme for me to write to him and also revealing his email address of course.
I pressed on Obnoxio's email button and on other members posts all of which gave me their email addresses.
So these wicked deeds that Old Holborn accuse those admins of perpetuating could have been carried out by anyone visiting that site.

Anonymous said...


Neuroskeptic said...

You've done the libertarian blogosphere a great service, which is to say, great damage! Well done!

Roctopus said...

Contrary to all your sniggering and huffing and puffing, my blog will NOT be back. I'm finished with it. Like most other things I've done in life, I tried my hand at it and succeeded. It pulled 78,000 readers in November, all of them potential LPUK members and YOU trashed it. Because YOU had to tell the world that YOU know who I really am.

Very true. I don't belong to a party, because I don't trust anyone, but I often thought of joining the Libertarians.

Thanks Obo. You've saved me 10 quid a year.

Anonymous said...

If OH hangs himself can we have a photo on LiveLeak ?? thanks

Dave H said...

The only question is, who's the lying cunt? I don't know.

OH's blog was very entertaining, a real shame he has shut it down in such bizzare circumstances.

The only lasting beneficiaries of all this hot air will be Kerry McCarthy et al.

Anonymous said...

You have to laugh really! I mean, this has all happened because of an argument about another argument taking place on a little strip of sand in a far-flung country between two sets of beardies, none of which affects us in any way whatever.

Lol! what retardation!

Andyj said...

Obnoxio, you are a clown.
There are plants in every "Extremist party".

You are a fucking triffid.

Anonymous said...

Any criticism of 1sr@el or Z1on1sm is unwise - as 'The Clown' knows full well. Even private remarks can mean career suicide. Comments made in public can be dangerous.

Duffy said...

Obo claims he made the link to show OH being an "overwrought drama queen". All right. OH claims the link was posted with the intention of publically outing him. Now you're both arguing over the reason the link was posted. For us readers it looks like it's one blogger's word versus another's.

Of course, the real issue here has been missed. The fact is that the reason the link was posted DOES NOT MATTER, for the reason that Obo should have fucking known this would happen. Even if Obo wanted to draw attention to a dead, dusty thread in order to praise OH for brilliant writing or agreeable opinion he still shouldn't have posted the link because the thread contained sensitive information.

Having said that, OH should probably have guarded his identity a little more closely. You can't make statements as controversial as his or Obo's while expecting the website you've signed up to's privacy protocols to be enough.

Sad stuff.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Right, I was supposed to remember every single thing in a 50-page thread?

Give me a break.