Tuesday 29 December 2009

The kindness of strangers

Once again, I've been touched by the simple kindness of strangers. I can but wish them well and thank them again from afar.


Oldrightie said...

Yup, away from the maelstrom of incompetence of so called Government it can be a pleasant world.

MTG said...

So much is true Oldrightie - but one cannot rule out the possibility that Obno refers to the kindness of strangers in the Thomas Lanier Williams sense.

filosofee said...

Obnoxio: kindness, and compassion of strangers is rampant, including during each year's Crisis Christmas Homeless project, where thousands of volunteers from all walks of life (dentists, doctors, hairdressers, etc.) give up their time, away from over-eating and TV-addiction, to help those who don't have the luxury of a roof over their head and family to rely on.

Apparently, we all could be only two salary-cheques away from sofa-surfing/rough-sleeping homelessness.

Happy 2010 to you and your readers.

Mitch said...

Didn't George Michael rely on the "kindness of strangers" in mens toilets?

JO said...

See, people can be nice and charitable without government telling them to and forcing their money off them.