Wednesday 8 August 2012

Outsourcing your citizenship

I listened (with some trepidation!) to a Gresham podcast by the Squeaker, John Bercunt.

In the podcast, he raises the very salient point that a child can leave school entirely unaware of the mechanics of parliament, and even worse, that it is technically possible to achieve a degree in politics without understanding this!

However, I wonder if that is really our fault. Politics has become so complex and so remote, elections have become so irrelevant, lawmaking has become so profligate and politicians so dissociated with the rest of us, is it really a surprise that no-one considers the mechanics of parliament relevant?

Perhaps if politicians stopped making a gazillion hectoring laws, perhaps if their election manifestos meant something, perhaps if the Westminster bubble didn't exist, people might actually give a shit enough to learn these things for themselves.

Perhaps if the language of politics was more honest and if politics wasn't such a pathetic, obscure farce, people would be more inspired to pay attention.

In other words, Mr Squeaker, the problem is not with schools and universities and the people you claim to serve or anyone- or anything else.

The problem is cunts like you.


Anonymous said...

And you.

Jill said...

Well, you're right. But I would say that both my kids paid a visit to Downing Street while at primary school (we were living in London then) and both have been to the HoC whilst at secondary school (and by then we had moved to Devon). I've just checked, and both have watched videos of HoC debates and PMQs in citizenship also. So y'know.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine used to teach politics at university. He told me that, every year, he would have students who were unaware a) that there was an organisation called the European Union and b) that the UK was a member of it. Still, at least they learned something, I guess.

Steve said...

@ Anonymous

Holy S*^t, that's scary......

Steve said...

@ Anonymous.

Holy crap!, that's well scary.....