My guess is that he'd arrive at Parliament just in time for PMQs. So far, so unremarkable. But he's going dressed like this:

He's quite keen on people joining him, dressed in a similar way. You can buy the full outfit on ebay for about 50 quid or just the mask for under a tenner.
I am almost tempted to join him. What do you think?
PS I wouldn't be surprised if Old Holborn has a side business selling V for Vendetta costumes on ebay. But I am a bit cynical like that.
I'm a long way from London but if circumstances permit...
Anyway, the mask looks good. I never go out without a mask because the screaming gives me a headache. I'll get one, just in case.
I have the same problem.
I don't care if no one watches me or joins me on my 30 min walk. I'm still doing it.
If I thought I could rip the throat out of Heathcliff McSnot and shit down his oesophagus without spending the full 42 days in Belmarsh, I'd do it.
I really, really have had enough. Even my kids have said so.
"Stuff the cunt, dad, he's a gaybo shit stabber who needs a proper fisting" says the youngest daughter. Aged 11.
Yeah, the Fens must seem a million miles from London. Or any civilisation for that matter. Frightened your mobility scooter might run out of battery?
Some of us work for a living - if you do your walk from 8pm onwards, I'll join you... I can't make midday
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