Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Let's get this out of the way straight away: you're probably not going to like me or agree with what I say or like my language. And I just don't care.

I believe in freedom of speech, not some namby-pamby BBC-approved bollocks -- I believe Osama bin Laden should have the same freedom to spout forth bile and hatred that Harriet Harman does. Simultaneously I wish they were both dead, or at least out of my misery.

I believe that governments exist solely for their own aggrandizement. I believe that politicians, especially the current crop of UK trough-snuffling thieves, deserve nothing other than a date with a lamp-post and a length of piano wire.

I believe that people have the best lives when they take responsibility for what they do and make their own decisions.

I believe in the market, it may not be perfect, but after ninety years of communist and socialist failure, I can't understand why idiots clamour for more.

I believe that social engineering and welfare and political correctness will ultimately lead to the downfall of liberal democracy as we pander to every minority while forgetting who we are ourselves.

I also believe that Informix-Dynamic Server is far and away the best database out there, and Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server suck donkey cock. MySQL is for flaccid Java asswipes who deserve nothing better. PostgreSQL doesn't even merit contempt.

If you're still here, I hope you will be amused or at least be challenged to think about something. I hope that if you don't like what I say, you'll be prepared to explain rationally why you don't or accept that I'm just going to tell you to fuck off.

You cunt.

1 comment:

Looks Like You Obo said...

Thought I'd comment here, for "teh lulz."

So this is where the magic started?