Monday, 18 August 2008

Where did their arrogance come from?

I was reading this post, and I had to agree:

Rushmoor Borough Council have hit a new low in the already shoddy saga of councils attempting to withdraw bin services from overtaxed residents. Most readers will no doubt be well aware that despite council tax having soared across the country in recent years, well over a third of councils have now cut bin collections to once every fortnight rather than once a week.

Having trialled fortnightly collections but ditched the plan due to the furious reaction of residents, Rushmoor have shown all the ethics of a snake and simply halved the size of the bins instead. This is typical of the increasingly patronising, dictatorial attitude taken by too many councils who seem to have forgotten that they are meant to serve the public, not boss us around.

Where do these bastards get the idea that they can lord it over us, decide for us what suits best, and stick their nose into our lives? Where did the idea of "civil servants" become "insolent masters"? Why is it that councils now feel entitled to spy on the very people who pay them very handsomely indeed for a range of services that is increasingly curtailed and increasingly subjected to charges that skyrocket at multiples of the rate of inflation?

I'm paying you cunts to empty my bins. It's a contract, and you can rest assured that if the people who maintain my car or deliver my milk gave me shit service like you do, I'd fire them tout de suite. And this shit about me sorting stuff into different coloured bins is just so much cock-sucking. One of the most economically viable things to recycle is aluminium, and my council doesn't recycle aluminium. That's just stupid. They won't recycle glass, either. Well, I lie, they do, but they expect me to spend hours washing everything out, loading it in my car and driving to a remote facility where I can then spend another hour sticking everything into the correct box. Fuck off, that's not what I'm paying you cunts for.

Look here, you useless cunts are all practically unemployable in the real world. Be grateful that you've got jobs and at least have the common decency to try and deliver a service, rather than just taking more and more of MY fucking money and giving me less and less for it.

But underneath it all, I see the growth of a political class. The EU has co-opted national governments into a power base that is massively disconnected from the electorate, national governments have co-opted their regional authorities into this mess and totally unelected NGOs and parastatal organisations. None of these people exist to serve us in any way, shape or form. They may have started out as organisations that were going to help us, but those days have passed and they all seem to have forgotten their raison d'ĂȘtre. Now it all just seems to be about how much they can get in our way. Part of this stems from the kinds of people who get into politics, as P.J. O'Rourke says:
Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without possessing merit. A politician is anyone who asks individuals to surrender part of their liberty— their power and privilege— to State, Masses, Mankind, Planet Earth, or whatever. This state, those masses, that mankind, and the planet will then be run by ... politicians.
So, we have an overall agenda set by an amorphous, faceless, unaccountable group of Eurocrats, selling these ideas to people who really aren't all that noble to begin with, who are in turn reselling these ideas to armies of little Hitlers, all wanting to get their own back on those bullies in the playground that made them cry.

I wouldn't really give a shit, but the fuckers are using my money to do it. Look, either admit you can't run local services and stop charging me, or stop fucking around and do the job that I and all the other long-suffering taxpayers get wallet-raped for.

You cunts.


Anonymous said...

Talking to these people is a waste of breath.

Heat up the tar and break out the feathers. There's no other way.

Trixy said...

the EU will fine national governments for being over target, who in turn will fine councils who will then fine residents.

Thus, they try to cut our rubbish.

This could all be solved easily by
1) leaving the EU
2) Dumping your rubbish on the lawns of the politicians who voted for this legislation. I have a list.

RobW said...

Quite -- but they may not learn until they are stood in the gallows. ;)