I got home, poured a scotch and parked in front of the TV. After all that shit at work, I still managed to get home more rueful than angry. But 30 seconds of listening to a fucking Nobel-prize-winning economist was enough to get me to heave my glass at the screen.
Do they dish them out in fucking lucky dips now, or what? What the fuck does this cunt smoke? He actually had the fucking gall to claim that "the current financial crisis proves that the free market just doesn't work."
Well, Joe, baby, you go find me a fucking free and unregulated market in the US financial sector, and I'll be right over to suck your cock. I'll even swallow, and you can't say fairer than that.
He got halfway through the sentence and realised just how much shit he was talking and started backpedalling, saying "we've had mixed markets and this whole situation just proves that governments have a place in the economy."
What the fuck? The government regulation a) forced businesses to lend to sub-prime lenders and b) generated moral hazard by decoupling the rewards of doing business from the risk. Personally, I'm not really seeing where the government is doing anyone a fucking favour.
Sweet cunting Allah, I think I'm going to fucking have a pop at a Nobel economics prize myself. It doesn't sound like there are any particular requirements that you know anything about economics to get one.
A cock-mongering fuckmonkey, earlier
I'd be tempted to have a go at the Peace Prize myself. Not only do you have to know nothing about peace but you can actually have negative peace to qualify.
The current Nobel Peace laureate is inciting people to commit violence against those who disbelieve him.
Whats the odds this cunt gets a peerage or a cock job off of Peter, Gordon, Milicunt or any of the gays in the govt....
I couldnt agree more... I can only imagine what history will say about this 'statist prize giving' tripe in the future... Once the world has finally awoken from their malaise
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