Wednesday 19 November 2008

Informix Roundup: 19 Nov 2008

Informix day in Paris

Gillani are expanding.

Another ex-Informixer going places in AsiaPac. Curious.

New version of Aubit.

A discussion of CLR in IBM Database Magazine.

Interesting results from the poll, nearly half of you wanted to be shot of the roundup entirely. Ungrateful bastards, here's me slaving over a hot keyboard ... :o)

I reckon I'm going to keep at it and mostly leave it alone, I might pick up the odd interesting link on developwrecks or Informix Zone. This will ensure that everyone is equally unhappy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Serially off topic as per fuckin' usual, eh, Obo bach?!?

This week in the Hillside, Sperm has been reading a book: La Disparition by Georges Perec, a novel composed without using the letter E, also known as a lipogram, look you. Well done, Georges. Good effort, son. Problem is you only got pipped to the post by a mere seven centuries in Wales, see? It’s called the Mabi-fucking-nogion and this particular lipogram was a bit of piece of piss on account that Welsh, videlicet Cym-fucking-raeg, hasn't GOT a letter E. So you can fuck off back to your Left Bank cottage, Georges, you French bufti, cos Wales doesn't need you. And that Marcel Proust modelled all his female characters on men. Ffactwyd.

Mind, that Hazel Blears is the 'ottest thing since Anita Ekberg. Phwoar!