Monday 24 November 2008

Laugh, you cunt. Laugh. Till we get our fucking hands on you.

Like a vampire feeding off our misery ...


Fidothedog said...

Bags I first punch on that fucking smirking dog to the side of Badger haired Darlin'

An no I not talking about cyclops either.

Hacked Off said...

Don't you think the queer cunt would enjoy being slapped and punched - or at least, he would at first. Then when the pain went beyond his "enjoyment threshold" but no-one heeded his pleas to stop, then he'd stop giggling.

I would probably start laughing at that point.

The Penguin

Anonymous said...

I would pay any amount of money to be locked in a room with Gordon Brown for 5 minutes. I don't need any weaponry apart from some sandpaper, an orange peeler, and some fire-ants.

Could anyone arrange?


Fidothedog said...

re anon, the fire ants not so hot a violin spider that causes some major skin necrosis is a far better deal.

According to a friend I have who deals in spiders they are angry little fuckers who keep on biting.

So can get the spiders, you just need the sandpaper & peeler.

Anonymous said...

Thief. Scum. Parasite.

Jud Süß with the middle classes.

Frechheit! Scheißkerl! Feigling!