Sunday, 2 November 2008

Tom Harris and 1984

Since Tom Harris MP was getting all pious about the abuse heaped upon him, I've taken to replying as politely as I can. However, I can't help but feel that certain things have been left unsaid.

Some background, in case you didn't know: the LPUK arranged a campaign that all 646 MPs received a copy of 1984 to remind them that they should not be encouraging totalitarianism. Tommy boy was one of the first to receive a copy and got all hoity-toity:

As I’ve written here before, this is all paranoid fantasy, and why so many people get off on it, I’ll never know.

That encouraged 154 responses. Now, Tom has a reasonably active blog, pulling between 10 and 20 comments per posting. And he got 154 comments on this post, pretty much all of them disagreeing with him. I don't know how many he deleted. Doesn't that tell you something, Tom?

He then went into snidey overdrive:

... blah, blah, blah. Now, I don’t expect that libertarians will look at this letter, or any argument in favour of RIPA, and change their minds. But there has clearly been some exaggeration of what RIPA does. Surely no-one can have any objection to the use of these powers to gather evidence against paedophiles?

Here boy! Can you hear the "dog whistle"? Well, what a classic piece of disingenuous New Labourite spin. It would have been pretty good if we hadn't been immunized by a decade of watch Alistair Campbell at work.

Biting my tongue, I wrote:

It’s easy for you to pretend that you’re living in a democracy, you’re voting to have your own address kept secret, you’ve voted to allow smoking to remain in your own workplace and you will doubtlessly all be exempted from RIPA and any other draconian legislation that you enforce on the rest of us. Your pensions are not the victim of your own incompetence, like ours are.

Your hypocrisy in pretending to be the party representing the common man while encouraging an army of snooping lickspittles; a blanket of spying cameras; a sea of databases recording our every interaction, whilst excluding yourselves from all of these, is staggering.

Does the length of this comment thread and the strength of feeling from the people commenting here not give you some idea that maybe you have misjudged the real situation? Or are you going to keep those tribal blinkers on and keep taking the taxpayers’ money while you and the rest of the disconnected Westminster elite carry on along your merry way doing what you know is best for us little people?

The biggest irony is that Labour keeps portraying Cameron and Osborne as out of touch because of their wealth. Labour’s “oiks” might have come from poorer backgrounds, but judging by your glossy whitewash of how bad life in the UK is for the average citizen, you are just as far out of touch with reality.

You shame yourself with your blithe lies.

You'll notice that I didn't call him an arrogant, jumped-up little Hitler, or even just a mendacious, snivelling cunt.

Anyway, that post got 123 replies, all of them tearing him a new arsehole, albeit in a restrained and polite fashion. We were then advised that one of the brilliant uber-menschen who knows better than us all, who is smarter than us, wiser than us and better than us in every way would be showing us all where we were wrong:

UPDATE at 7.40 pm: I’m in the process of drafting one final post on this subject, responding to more of the arguments made here today. It will be published at precisely 12 noon tomorrow (Sunday).

Breathlessly waiting for a cogent, well-argued and constructive defence of the Labour government's policies on security, terrorism, surveillance, databases and police making the law up on the hoof, I was slightly disappointed to read this:

I THINK we’re all going to have to agree to disagree on this one, don’t you think?

Yep. Tom Harris MP has provided the definitive proof that everyone needed that Labour really is caring for us, they have adequate safeguards in place to ensure that all this salami-slicing isn't just going to lead to our oppression and that they know what they are doing.

He knows better than we do. We'll just have to take his word for it. Tom, I have a word for you too. That word is "cunt."


Leg-iron said...

Took him all night to draft that one sentence. He really doesn't have an answer, does he?

Old Holborn said...

Ha, the wanker was owned.

645 to go

Wednesday is going to be SUCH fun.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

What's happening on Wednesday? :o)

John Pickworth said...

Do you get the sense that perhaps poor Tom "the ostrich" Harris sat up all night crafting a most marvelous response.... and then read it back to himself and concluded it was just load of old bollocks?

Thing is, we know he's wrong and out of touch. The mystery is why he won't just admit it? Even he cannot deny the evidence before his eyes (the massive response to his posts) that tells him people do genuinely care and are deeply worried about what this Government has done.

Still, I'm not surprised. I tried unsuccessfully for two years to arrange a meeting with my former MP (Joan Humble, MP, Bitch with honours and distinguished order of evasion plus bar) to voice my concerns about the ID Cards scheme. Nor did I ever receive a single reply to a letter (many sent) or a fax (not so many sent) or one solitary email reply (oddles sent). Totally ignoring me (and no doubt others too), she then claimed the vast majority of her constituents supported ID Cards and voted with the Government. Bitch.

Pam Nash said...

Before I start, I am NOT a Labourite, I am a libertarian Conservative.

That said, I feel somewhat for poor Tom - because I get the distinct impression that he doesn't really agree with the Labour party line. I actually think he's a good guy, frustrated by Gordon Clown's policies......but, due to his loyalty to Labour (NOT the PM and Cabinet), he feels bound to toe the Party line. Maybe this explains his final post?

I shall now don my tinfoil hat and retreat! ;)