Wednesday, 26 November 2008

What do you mean: "it gets worse"?


the PBR book includes an unexplained projection of higher than normal tax revenues from 2011. Table B10 on p198 to be precise shows what looks like a revised rate of growth in tax receipts from 2.8pc to 4pc. Where is that money coming from? Is this another bit of the PBR that wasn't tidied up in time by the Treasury? The Tories say such an increase would generate £100bn extra over four years, so even if the cancelled 18.5pc VAT trick was taken into account, there's £75bn of extra taxes that are unacccounted for.

We will learn more in the hours to come, but it's this £100 bn "black hole" that looks like the real bombshell. Not to mention the one that has blown up under the Treasury tonight, just when the department was getting its act together.

I don't think I can take any more of this pleasure.


Nick von Mises said...

So bets are off on a snap election again?

Anonymous said...

oh dear - stop trying to outdo Old Holdborn you really are pathetic


Obnoxio The Clown said...


SaltedSlug said...

Yeah, that's what I thought as well.

Must be half-term somewhere.

Hacked Off said...

Who the fuck is "Old HolDborn"?

Dolly, you have to train these mongs of yours a bit better if you want them to be taken seriously.

You wanker.

The Penguin