Friday 19 December 2008

Best get it out of the way then!

Via Mrs Dale, I see that the ZNL Stasi are launching another attack on bloggers:

It looks like the Stalinists within the government are going to try to succeed where the European Commission has failed - to silence blogs. PoliticalBetting has a story today alleging that the government intends to tighten up libel laws to make it easier to sue bloggers.

So, while it's still open to discussion, let me hasten to say that Bridget Prentice is another fascist authoritarian jackbooted arse-faced old harridan who needs a visit from the candiru fish factory.



Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry - something is only libellous if it isn't true.

Leg-iron said...

Pity the poor woman and her oversized contact lenses. Should've gone to Specsavers.

The odd thing is, she dreamed this up during a discussion on how 'libel tourism' was making the UK laws an international scandal. Her response is to make it all worse.

I think her hair's too tight and it's crushing her brain.

Dr Evil said...

Libel laws in this country want relaxing not tightening. They are some of the most draconian in the world. But, the truth is a defense.