Thursday 25 December 2008

A Christmas Gift to my Reader

Amazon is holding a promotion on their MP3 downloads. Enter the code FREEMP3S in the promotion box and you will get £3 off any downloads. Given that they have a whole bunch of albums for £3 and individual songs for as little as £.59, it might be worth having.

This is only valid for Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and you only get one shot at it. But it's free music, so enjoy.

In addition, the iTunes store is offering one free download per day for 12 days.

PS You're still a cunt.


Gecko said...

:o) Free is a price I like. By the way, you might find, if you are particularly sneaky, that the code works more than once. Not that we would try such a thing.

Henry North London 2.0 said...

Im going back to Amazon

Henry North London 2.0 said...

Only if you have two accounts with Amazon

Obnoxio The Clown said...

@Henry ... thanks for reminding me! :o)

AntiCitizenOne said...
