Tuesday 16 December 2008


I'm really unhappy. I can see the Gorgon calling a snap election and winning it because people are convinced he's the man to sort out the fuckup he made. I can see another four years of Labour fucking this country into the ground. I can see disaster beckoning because of tribal voters.

It's not that I think Call Me Dave is going to be good, he's just going to be less bad. But I think we're going to have to wait another four years to find out.


DavidNcl said...

I too despair. Thinking about hording gold and stuff. It's going to get bad irrespective of who gets in but this lot's policies are like trying to put a fire with petrol.

I've just blogged on what happens when Ponzi schemes take out an economy here.

Anonymous said...

I choose not to despair. I choose to tell every person I meet about Gordon's and Labour's failings. I tell them about taxes, I tell them about the burgeoning welfare state. I tell them Gordon could have saved more to stave off the worse of the recession. I tell them about the big brother databases, the creep towards the EU and the Euro. There are many failings of Gordon and Labour, so it's a long conversation. Do the same, do not just sit back and despair, you have to fight and campaign for what you want.

Leg-iron said...

He'll have to call it before the summer. Once all his tame voters get back from Tenerife and Marbella after finding their pounds don't go too far on holiday, it'll be too late.

If they get in again, they'll be uncontrollable. I'll be getting out befroe the rioting starts.

Jon said...

Don't despair, my dear chap. At least the cholera hasn't got a foothold here yet.

TheFatBigot said...

The earliest he could go is about March, before then it will be too cold for his core support to bother voting. By then the job losses will be mounting and (I hope) resentment of the cushioned public sector will grow with it.

My concern is not that people aren't prepared to doubt poor Gordon it's that Dave is still too quiet. He's leaving it very late to go on the attack and explain not only what poor Gordon has done wrong but how he and Boy George can improve matters. His speech the other day was a good one but we need a succession of them so that the Beeb has to report them for fear of its bias being even more obvious than it is. Then he has a chance.

Letters From A Tory said...

Give unemployment and some terrible New Year economic figures and things must just start to swing away from Gordon.

Hacked Off said...

Never despair - I was once minded to fall into the black pit of depression, but a small voice called out to me, "Don't despair! Things could be worse!!"

And lo, they were right.

However, I just keep on going on so as to annoy people.

The Penguin

Anonymous said...

I'm with Leg Iron, I said it at the last election and I wish I'd done it. If they get in again I'm off and I'm not coming back. That's it.

And I guess most of the productive 1/3 of the economy will be off with us. Which will leave Gordon in an interesting position... Huge client state, no workers to pay for it.


Bob's Head Revisited said...

Every time the results of Gordo's blunders are splashed across the papers all NuShite say is,"Remember the Tories are the nasty party. Do you really want them back in again?" Trouble is there are enough dicks around who believe them.

If they win, Me and Mrs Bobshead are off, no question. It's insufferable already. Four more years of this trash? Four more years would mean anything that is good at all about this country, anything, will have been totally obliterated. Smashed and gone.

Cameron and Co are too quiet. There should be no let up from them, not for minute. What are they doing??

Longrider said...

Well, I'm out. For the moment, I'm returning to work, but am looking at plans to make me completely independent of the UK.

The only good thing I can see from a Labour victory is that the Tories really will have to get their act together and hopefully elect an effective leader - you know, someone with conservative values...

Anonymous said...

Woolies is the start.

It is not just the scale of job-losses - it's the emotional impact of well known brands failing. And they will. I can see several big-name retailers going tits-up this January* and I wouldn't bet against a supermarket even being amongst them...

Then we'll really know what's hit us. I honestly fail to see how Gorgon can dig himself out of this hole. And I suspect he's just trying to conclusively fuck stuff up. I call it Gordondammerung.

Either that or he's raving mad and in fact the entire bally lot of them are nucking futz. I saw the health wonk on the telly this morning. He was on about forcing GPs not to use 084 numbers because calls to them from some mobiles can be as high as 40p a minute. If he thinks that's a freaking priority in the elf service then he's deranged. That's deck chairs and Titanic territory.

*I once worked as a Christmas temp at Next. They have a third of their entire turnover in about a month - this is typical and if a retailer doesn't have a good Christmas in the current climate then it's sayonara.

Anonymous said...

In four years there will be no country left for Call-me-Dave to do anything with, either positive or the other thing.

By then Lisbon will be a fait-accompli, we'll be in the Euro, England will be run by EU Regional Governments, and most of us will be carrying (EU) ID Cards.

"Too late, too late", the maiden cried.

But despair is a sin.

Anonymous said...

Mike Kingscott, I try, I really do.

I tell them about taxes, they say "taxes are good, we have to help the poor".

I tell them about the burgeoning welfare state, they say "well there are still poor people, so it needs to burgeon more".

I tell them about big brother databases, they say "If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear".

I tell them about the creep towards the EU, they say "Yes, partnership is good".

I tell them about the creep towards the Euro, and they witter on about how handy it would be not to have change money to go to Lanzagrotty.

And so on.

The Socialist hegemony's takeover of education has done far, far more than just lower standards.

And as for the bbc...

I fear we will not see freedom in our lifetime, and perhaps our grandhchildren won't, either.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Buggering off is a good plan, but seriously, where are we going to go? I quite like England, as it happens.

Anonymous said...

Despair ye not! Well at least not because you think Labour can win an election in the Spring. The worst that can happen is a hung parliament, and given the positive noises from the LibDems and the Tories I think that they should be able to cobble together an anti Labour coalition anyway.

But I think that the Tories would win an early election outright. The bad economic news is only just starting, especially the unemployment. Those figures will start to rise inexorably after Xmas. Especially towards the end of the tax year as firms get their figures together and realise they must cut costs. Any election in April would be held in the face of awful economic news, and that could only be good for the Tories. Plus they have the perfect campaigning material - GB's own words!

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Any election in April would be held in the face of awful economic news, and that could only be good for the Tories.

Yeah, but they're talking about an election in February, which is going to be before the shit really hits the fan.

Time to fuck off, methinks.

William Gruff said...

There will be no election next year, unless the government collapses. Brown's best chance of winning was in October of last year and he bottled it. He waited ten years for his turn at the wheel and, as mad as he is, he knows that he's out at the next general election. What we should all fear is 'emergency' legislation prolonging the life of parliament, which has been suggested by Labour MPs before.

Anonymous said...

I was travelling on business in France last week and was totally surprised at how liberating it was to leave England for those few days. I never thought I'd say that! The Froggies I visited were all having a bloody good laugh about Flash Gordon saving the world. I like the French attitude to authority. It doesn't take much to get folks out onto the streets, and the Frog gummint seem to fall over themselves to do something about the problems - at least opening a dialogue with the protesters.

Regarding David Cameron - I emailed him about the shocking treatment by Conservative controlled Thanet Council of the pensioner who had his fag knocked to the ground by a copper and then got persecuted for littering. I received a reply today from an underling (copying it is banned, apparently) to the effect that DC has no influence over what locally elected politicos get up to.

I do seriously wonder if there is much of a difference between Zanu Lab and the present Tory part as regards State Oppression.

These are troubling times.

The Refuser said...

I don't know what to suggest. Personally I don't think leaving for a European country would be much better. I doubt Brown has the guts to face the electorate. As the fat bigot points out his core voters wont want to go out in February and the economic news will not get any better. It is quite alarming to see this deluded buffoon claiming to have saved the world. Unfortunately even if I had confidence in Cameron I doubt there is much he can do. Britain needs a nasty party to sort out the parasites who bedevil us, but people want to hear platitudes and will vote for treacherous scum so long as they tell them what they want to hear. My advice is to stock up on ammo our find somewhere a long way from Britain because it's going to get ugly.

Anonymous said...

Nick M. "Woolies is the start."
No it is not. Woolies is just the end of a badly run company whose demise is allowing other retailers ( Tesco, Iceland ) to snap up prime High Street locations.

I doubt the opion polls showing the much reduced Tory lead. Every person I speak to, including 'natural labour voters' say they want this government out even if that means voting against the well regarded local Labour MP.
Labours core vote is not what is left of the working class but the pampered middle class teat-suckers in Public Administration, Academe and the 'voluntary ' sector who are bought in much the same way as Mugabe buys the loyalty of his army.

However, the opposition vote will be badly split not only between Conservative and LibDems but UKIP, BNP and the new pan-european anti-EU party whose name I forget.
In this way Brown may return to lead the Ponzi Police Nation that he has created.
Fleeing overseas is not an option for me and I too still rather like England. I'm just pleased not to have children who will have to live with the consequences.

powerman said...

If you all disappear now, eventually there will be nowhere to run to. Stay and turn it around please. It can't be done without people like you.