Wednesday 17 December 2008

The source of government munificence

Right. I've had enough. I need to explain something to you. Specifically, I'd like to explain where the government gets their money. You know, for things like refurbishing the Home Office at 18 times the rates any commercial organisation would pay or any number of other instances of just pissing money up against a wall, voting themselves massive pay increases while leaving soldiers to die without adequate protection in foreign climes fighting illegal or pointless wars, or any number of other stupid wastes of "their" money.

OK. So the first thing to do is to concede to yourself that the government, occasionally at least, spends money on things you don't agree with. Like maybe the Iraq war. Or coverups for the shooting of Jean-Charles de Menezes. Or paying over the odds for their own offices, while leaving soldiers unprotected. There will be something.

The next thing you need to do, is go look in the mirror. See that bloke / bloke-ess? That's the person who is paying for these current little incompetencies. Now cast your eyes around the house. Do you have kids? See them? They're the ones paying for the bank bailout. And their kids.

Would you like to see your kids buying their kids Christmas presents one day or would you rather have them spend the money on paying the bonuses of incompetent bankers for the next 30 years?

Would you rather spend £10 on making someone in your town's life happier or are you happy to let the government give the money to people building shopping centres in Africa?

Would you rather see soldiers living in comfortable, decent accommodation and have adequate equipment or are you happy to let Jacqui Smith waste billions on a pointless database that will do nothing to prevent terrorism or benefit fraud?

There is only one political party that has, at its very core, the belief that you are a worthwhile human being who knows far better than any civil servant what your priorities are and how you should live your life and spend your money.

And that is the Libertarian Party.


Dungeekin said...

It's all too repetitive and depressing, Obnoxio.

Same shit, different decade.

Cheer yourself up with a song. Apologies to Messrs Gilbert & Sullivan.

Tomorrow, normal rants resume....


Trixy said...

Well, it's not the only one. It's one of two. That jus happens to be the one you belong to. The one I support is of the same mind but because it's had electoral success and a figurehead it's a direct target for the govt organisations to try destabalise. For the way our security services and mandarins see it, being in the EU is in our interest and thus UKIP and you guys are a danger to the best interests of the state and a legitimate target.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Trixy, the UKIP policies are a strange mixture of libertarian and statist.

To be fair though, I see more in common with UKIP than I disagree with, unlike some other members of LPUK. However, there is a philosophical coherence to Libertarianism, whereas UKIP seems to be more pragmatic in its policies.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy with the government spending my tax money as it sees fit.

Trixy said...

Bob Spink was pro 42 days but that's why he's now sitting as an Independent as he doesn't want to take any party whip. The party line was against that, and 28 days etc.

In fact, it's been members of UKIP raising such issues as the EU arrest warrant, ID cards, databases etc.

So whilst some members might be statist, and their line on immigration is not a free for all (based on the fact that we have an overblown welfare state which can't allow for this and be fair on UK tax payers) the party is libertarian.

Which is one of the reasons why the BNP hate them so much.

Bristol Dave said...

My problem with UKIP can be summed up thus:

* Kilroy
* Nigel Farage

...both of whom I look upon as utter cuntwafts.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Kilroy is long gone, and I can't imagine what Farage has done that is so awful ... ?