Tuesday 13 January 2009

The dead cat has bounced

... and it's back to business as usual:

The Conservatives have regained a double-figure lead over Labour as Gordon Brown’s bounce from his handling of the banking crisis has faded.

There's a couple of points I'd like to make about this though:

Firstly, how fucking thick are people really, to think that Gorgon's ham-fisted floundering has "handled" the crisis at all? Anybody who thinks that Gorgon's incompetent bungling and flailing lunacy has helped shoudl do the world a favour by going for voluntary sterilisation.

Second, how utterly fucking useless are the Tories really? Given this enormous fucking recession, a pound nearly at parity with the Euro and the US dollar, and the waste, incompetence, mendacity and downright stupidity, which is all we've had out of this government since 1997 and still the Tories can only manage 10 points?

Call Me Dave should stop furrowing his enormous forehead and proceed to kick these useless fuckers round and round the Houses of Parliament. The fact that he isn't managing this, only goes to show how utterly fucking useless he's going to be in power and how he's not in the least bit different from the Gorgon.

They're all as fucking useless as Libdems.



Dungeekin said...

There's only one thing Gordon handles, and it ain't the economy.

Hopefully people will wake up and see (with apologies to Paul Simon) that there are '50 Ways New Labour Conned Us'.

Still, no more than 17 months left before we're well and truly rid of the lying, incompetent scumbag and his cohorts.


Dr Evil said...

The party that will give us income tax cuts and a referendum on membership of the EU would walk the election, especially if they also promised to replace the covenant with the armed forces. I know it's not really as simple as this, but a few bold or radical ideas are required as well as the usual pious crap. Oh, and cutting red tape re the police, business etc would be good too.

Anonymous said...

@ Chalcedon

That would of course be the UK Libertarian Party!


John Pickworth said...

Hey steady on Obo... the two big parties might have their faults, but that's no excuse to label them Libdems!
