Sunday 4 January 2009

Doing nothing IS an option

Despite the Gorgon's many fucking witterings on the subject, I'd like to assure the cuntfaced monocular snot-gobbling fucktarded freak that doing nothing is very definitely an option, and it's very much the option I'd like him to take, thank you very much.


John Pickworth said...


Gordo and his genius Chancellor seem to think its possible to spend your way out of debt. It isn't, and we're all going to pay dearly for their flaponomic 'do something' policies.

banned said...

Happily I owe nothing to anybody and, despite their bleatings to get myself into debt to boost the economy, intend to keep it that way.
Mind you, how much do I owe these days from spending done by them on my behalf ? Last figure I read was about £20k.