Wednesday 14 January 2009

The Independent: Hypocrites

What a fucking bunch of hypocrites. Every other fucking day, they have some or other calamitous cockwaffle about "climate change" on their front page, yet what is on it right now?

Whether it's a bargain break or a flat-bed luxury flight, don't let the puny pound and faltering economy ruin your plans

Bunch of hypocritical, self-serving, middle-class tossers.


silas said...

Good lord, you seem to have been possessed by my girlfriend.

That's pretty much what she said.

Although her version had more swearing in it.


Anonymous said...

For more mind bursting "facts", get this from the Indie.

According to that august organ, there are "BNP links to the immigration service". Really! If this is true then, given the scale of immigration over the last 10 years, the BNP must be as hypocritical and/or incompetent as our government. Accordingly, it can whistle for the votes of those members of the white working class who might have been tempted to vote for them on just this issue.

But, of course, this "news" it's not what it seems. The Indie has spun a scandal from a report by this load of self-seeking busybodies - "Medical Justice" - whose stock-in-trade is whining about our awful treatment of immigrants. Here's its chairman Alexander Goodman who I think we can assume is probably making a fairly comfortable living from the taxpayer (at least in part) on the backs of those saintly strangers we welcome to our shores. BTW "Alex lectures on Gypsy and traveller law" and "is a councillor sitting on London Borough of Camden Council". One day he might do something for the rest of us: you know, those who were born here, pay taxes, obey the law (including planning law), work for a living etc etc.

Jack Maturin said...

Sounds almost as good as the double page spread I once saw in the Guardian.

On one side, a huge picture of a starving pot-bellied Ethiopian child accompanied by the usual hand-wringing verbal twaddle.

The other page was entitled something like "A Glorious Brunchy Weekend", and featured a magnificent spread of food and wine, all laid out for your delectation in a fancy Hampstead kitchen.