Thursday 22 January 2009

So much for all the new languages

Hah! All you Ajax and PHP and Perl and Ruby kiddies can kiss my arse:

C overwhelmingly proved the most popular programming language for thousands of new open-source projects in 2008, according to license tracker Black Duck Software.

The company, which monitors 180,000 projects on nearly 4,000 sites, said almost half - 47 per cent - of new projects last year used C. Black Duck said 17,000 new open-source projects were created in total. Next in popularity after C came Java, with 28 per cent.

In scripting, JavaScript came top with 20 per cent, followed by Perl on 18 per cent.

PHP attracted just 11 per cent and Ruby six per cent. The numbers are a surprise as open-source PHP has proved popular as a web-site development language, while Ruby's been a hot topic for many.

If you want to do a man's work, you have to use a man's programming language!


SaltedSlug said...

Ah, now that is a message I can get behind.

C holds the fucking world together.( with duct tape and cable ties, obv.)

AntiCitizenOne said...

If only someone would make lint compulsory.

Sacerdoteuk said...

Damn right. If you can't do it in C do it in assembler. If you can't do it in assembler, it's not worth doing!

Pogo said...

So, still no need to send my 1978 copy (bought new BTW!) of Kernighan and Ritchie's "The C Programming Language" for recycling yet... :-)

Anonymous said...

Fuck that you wusses!

I use Fortran.

Peter Risdon said...

It's horses for courses, isn't it? It would be a bit laborious to write a web application in C nowadays, and dumb to write an operating system component in CLI PHP.

Doesn't this really just reflect the balance in OS projects between desktop apps, command line stuff, daemons, server-side web application programming and client-side web application programming?

Anonymous said...


C is an operating system language.

Fine for writing Linux, or the Linux-like code that runs on routers and stuff.

Not suitable for apps - too many options for screwing things up, too many ways of breaking the rules, etc etc.


Mr. Strongtype

Breaker said...

Strong typing

Is for weak minds.

Snarky Basterd said...

That's more like it...

Anonymous said...


As someone who used to drop from assembler into machine code......

Obnoxio The Clown said...

All the puerile cockwaving on this thread has really been disappointing. :o(

I used to boot-strap 16-bit minicomputers by programming the registers using sixteen switches (plus the "register" button) on the front.

I hereby declare myself the winner! :o)

Chris said...

Real programmers use butterflies. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Fuck taht Obo!

I started out gnawing cogs to size for a oak difference engines.

And I beta tested the abacus.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

You're just making that up!

Thortung The Terrible said...


Easy to spell. Easy to Use. :-)

Anonymous said...

Nick M

I've been there Fortran IV, 66 and 77 (PDP-11)...I inherited code with 50+ entry equivalence blocks, with name changes between the sharing source files. Single subroutines whose listings were 30ft long, I had to refactor the stuff for overlays. Can't say I'm keen to return, though a substantial contract could tempt me I guess...

Still love C and C++ languages!

Anonymous said...

You want cockwaving. I got yer cockwaving. I wrote my first program in ALGOL 68 on a PDP 11 in 1978. Then it was Z80 assembler on a ZX80 and ZX81, MOS Technologies 6510 on my C64 and Pascal/C/assembler on a first generation Mac. My PowerMac was programmed with a mix of C++ and assembler. These days I mainly use PHP/JavaScript for the day job, but I still use a lot of C and C++ for mini TCP/IP servers and of course Qt applications under Linux. It's Objective C with Cocoa on my Mac, naturally. Along the way I've written code for microcontrollers in Modula 2, particle accelerator and n body simulations in FORTRAN 77/90 on a VAX 8650 and DEC CYBER 960, every flavour of Unix going, from SCO to Solaris, TSRs and device drivers for DOS, Win32 with NT 3.5 and 4.0 and Verilog for FPGAs. I've built a microprocessor-based frequency counter on a breadboard and run number theoretic simulations on a Cray Y-MP.

Jack Maturin said...

I think Mr Gillies has got you there, Obo. I once programmed a PDP-11 in a Macro Assembler language, whose name I've forgotten, Thank God, but nothing worth trying to challenge Mr Gillies with.

BTW, round my way, if anyone says 'linked list', I immediately offer them the really CHEAP red wine.

C-ISAM was bad enough. But ESQL-C with shared memory pointers almost put me in the asylum.

Thank the Lord for Perl and Java, though I still have to resort to C++ occasionally. Dear God, now that really is a TERRIBLE programming language. Is there a worse one?

I can't believe people are still using C in anything other than low-level interfaces. That's like powering flying saucers with coal-fired steam.

Anonymous said...

It's a geek thing, isn't it.

About a month ago I was in a meeting and constantly distracted (and somehow attracted to) an SDSF session someone had going a few desks away.

WV = c a r d s oh, yeah, those.

Anonymous said...

I've met some sad characters in my time, but you lot......

Anonymous said...

I just slap the codegimp around the head and tell him to get it done.

wv: comps

Roger Thornhill said...

Puerile cock waving? What was your line about C being a man's language then, Obo?

C is good for some things, but anything multithreaded or requiring dynamic memory management and garbage collection for a start is just self-flagellation and obfuscated knob-jockery.

This "strong type, weak mind" baloney is just hacker-crap. Maybe it works in script-kiddie world, but large teams building robust mission critical systems lasting decades benefit enormously from discipline. Weak typing encourages an lazy mind.

Java is good for general programming and where reliability is needed, C for drivers and compilers. C++ should be put in a... glass jaaaarrrr, on the mantlepiece. ObjectiveC is far better than C++ IMHO.

I consider Erlang to be my personal favourite.

Roger Thornhill said...

p.s. Obo - I too remember the 16 toggles on the PDP-11. I knew it was booting correctly, as I recognised the correct rattle from the RP05 disk heads...

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

I was going to say that thing about the switches on a PDP11, I thought that would trump you all.

Damn but there are some sad bastards on this thread.

Now, who else remembers FORTRAN-IV punch-card machines?

Oh, yeah, everyone no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Ajax is an excellent cleaning product, especially good round u-bends.

Thatcher's Child said...

I like PHP - its easy.

The problem with cock waving is that when you mention that you built a 4 bit computer using a few logic gates and a lot of time - u win the comp, but still can't actually do anything useful - for that you still need the Atari 800!

Roger Thornhill said...

Anon re: FORTRAN-VI and punched cards. Done it.

And paper tape.

And acoustic couplers running at 110baud.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Acoustic couplers? I used to dream of acoustic couplers! We used to have to use coconuts and a bit of string!