Wednesday 14 January 2009

What Dubya got right

The papers are all full of "what Bush got wrong" today. But I disagree violently with this one:

Abandoning the Kyoto Protocol

In 2001, Mr Bush refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, a treaty that requires participating countries to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. He cited its effect on the economy, but the auto industry is already on the brink and global climate change is a real problem. Even merely as a sign of intent, his signature would have been helpful.

Utter cock. It's the one thing Bush got absolutely right, the Kyoto Protocol is a load of wibble that will achieve the square root of fuck all, at enormous cost.


Bob's Head Revisited said...

Agreed, Obo.
At times ol' Bush may have given the general impression of having about three more brain cells then a flannel, but I admired him for sticking to his guns on this one.

Anonymous said...

I'd go a bit further and say that the Kyoto Protocol is a load of wibble that has achieved the square root of fuck all at enormous cost, and there's not a cat in hell's chance that things will change in the short time left. As for Bush taking the US out of Kyoto, they were never really in it. Although Clinton signed the thing the Senate made it pretty fucking crystal (95 votes to 0 I seem to recall) that they were never going to let it go through. Can't understand why the beardie weirdies went for Bush for dropping something Congress was never going to ratify anyway when the fuckwit provided so much ammunition for critics in other areas.

Anonymous said...

If Dubbya had signed the Kyoto Protocol he would have been impeached. He had no authority to do so.

The United States Senate has sole authority to ratify treaties, not the President, and in 1997 the Senate voted unanimously, 95 to 0, that the treaty, if presented as is, would not be ratified.

Just another example of BDS.

Trident said...

Kyoto; square root of fuck all
Divide by zero - overflow error
Does not compute...