Thursday 5 February 2009

Fucking BBC cunts

I agree with Blaney. Complain like Jo Brand opening her post to find a sticky turd. Next time you see something on the news you disagree with, or hear some political correct cockwaffle on the BBC, complain.



Catosays said...

Yup, totally agree!!

JuliaM said...

Always in favour of hoisting people with their own petard!

Unknown said...

Blaney has a link to the Daily Mail to which it says Sarah Cox is on £200,000 a year, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT TALENTLESS GOBSHITE GETTING THAT MUCH FOR ? I have added that one to my complaint too.


Hacked Off said...

I've done my little bit to clog their system.

The Penguin.

Dr Evil said...

Thanks for the link. I e-mailed my complaint.

Hey ho. Now my details are in a file and I'm counted as a subversive.



Oldrightie said...

Look, they're just doing the job their whole existence is for. The utter and subservient demands of their Labourazi commanders. Snotty portrayed as Hitler is an insult to Hitler!

HeartAttackSurvivor said...

I've done my bit, the following was sent today:
"Watching this programme this morning, I noted that a programme called "Two Queens and a Castle" was trailed and advertised. As we all know, the use of the word "Queen" in public to describe a homosexual can be highly offensive and can in law lead to prosecution. How then can the BBC justify this usage live on air when the use of the term "Golliwog" in private has been so heavily punished?"

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted by the recent cowardly behaviour of the BBC over the non-event story they have created surrounding Carol Thatcher.

I would dearly love to boycott the BBC though sadly this is not an option for anyone quite happy to survive on the miriad of other channels offering considerably better value for money.

It is a tragedy that a once proudly impartial and respected institution has been brought so low. I for one will cheer when the inevitable finally happens and this state sponsored cartel is removed from the British landscape. Its 'news' content is now simply laughable and it has become a bloated, politically imbalanced and morally void canker that no longer has a place in this country.

Jay Hunt has demonstrated appalling judgement and a complete lack of backbone which appears to run like a cancer throughout the institution. Does anyone know if the BBC has any plans to attempt a return to its former glory or is it happy to complacently amble towards its now almost inevitable extinction?