... as the Bristolian points out, is that "they must have a fuck-load of skeletons in their closet."
We frequently hear from our political betters words to the effect that "this matter is too important for party politics, so we'll get some experts in to keep an eye on it." The problem with this idea is that every single time, the "expert" seems to be exactly the fox that we wouldn't put in charge of the fucking henhouse, ever! Said "expert" is now also beholden to the government of the day for his paycheck, so he's not going to rock any fucking boats, is he?
So, under the guise of being above party politics, the government manages to get exactly what they fucking want anyway. And that is never good for the poor cunts who have to pay for it, i.e., you and me.
Hear fucking Hear!
On any given subject I can get an 'expert' to say exactly what I want, if I pay well enough. The older I get, and the more I understand my little areas of expertise, the more I realise that many so called experts are just bullsh1t merchants who happen to be in the right place at the right time.
Didn't work for ecstasy though did it? Prof Nutt (how unfortunatre) said down grade it from A to B as more people die riding horses than taking said amphetamine and the Gov told him to fuck off. They don't listen to contrary opinion.
The so called "experts" work for their paymasters, giving them the distorted facts disguised as academia to justify the paymasters half baked ideas, so that the sheep (ie us) could believe that it is good for us, all spin and bullshit, paid for by us sheep.
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