Friday 27 March 2009

They're all the fucking same

So, who have we caught with their fingers in the till lately? Conway, Keen, Martin, Hain, Darling, Spelman, McNumpty, Thomas, Lamebrain Lammy, Jacqboot Five Bellies, "Yes We Can (steal from the taxpayer)" Butler and now Pickles. I see a sleaze allegation about a LibDem donor is doing the rounds. I reckon the only reason a LibDem hasn't been caught milking the system is that no-one cares about them. Alex the Oily Fish spent £130,000 as an MP and saw the inside of Wastemonster SIX times in exchange.

It's clear to me that all the main parties are filled with a bunch of statist, rent-seeking, trough-snuffling cunts. The BNP is sound on Europe and worse than the mainstream on everything else. UKIP is riven with in-fighting and while I'm a fan of Farage, there is no real agenda to UKIP apart from getting us out of the EU.

If you feel the same, then try a better alternative. The Libertarian Party has a coherent set of policies which will restore power to the voter, measurably lower goverment waste and improve your life.

Don't waste your vote on the LibLabCon Party. They really are all the fucking same.

Update: I hadn't even posted and already there's another piggy fucker. Comparing himself with Churchill as well, cheeky, chippy cunt.


Mark Wadsworth said...

Sure, I'd vote for you as PM, but a lot of the other LPUK'ers like to engage in seriously 'one-sided economics'.

Anonymous said...


Roger Thornhill said...

You need to explain that remark Mark.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow we'll find out that Brown's been claiming 2nd home allowance for Number 10!