Sunday, 29 March 2009

What a load of fucking shit

Who is this Nick Cohen cunt, anyway?

The best reason for wanting my colleagues to survive is that serious reporters and broadcasters offer a guarantee that what they say is true. If they stray, their editors impose journalistic standards and insist on objectivity.

Because, of course, no-one has ever accused the Graun of reporting the news in a fucking biased way, have they? Or the Telegraph? The Times? the BBC? The Daily Mail, for fuck's sake?

Cohen, give it up. Really.

I don't fucking trust anyone, but I trust bloggers more than I trust the mainstream media, that is for fucking sure. And don't get me started on political journos who are entirely fucking co-opted into the Wastemonster bubble. They need stringing up with the 645. (I'm going to give Carswell a break here.)


Pogo said...

serious reporters and broadcasters offer a guarantee that what they say is true.

So why is it that every time I read something in the MSM concerning a subject that falls within my area of "expertise" it's nearly always wrong?

Hacked Off said...

Sir Kneepads is up for a special award. Can't think what to give the cunt though. Suggestions welcomed.

Is little Nick any relation to the Cohen-At-Trough MP for Leyton?

The Penguin

Mitch said...

"serious reporters and broadcasters offer a guarantee that what they say is true."

that Kaletsky bloke from the times?? hahahahahahahahah.
Polly toynboing? hahahahahahahahaha.

fukin reporters ha! dont believe a word they say.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading his book "What's Left" at the moment. It's quite good: it explores how the Leftists ended up supporting Saddam and other fascist types.

He thinks the BBC etc. are mostly unbiased because they mostly agree with him. You don't see bias when it's facing in your direction.

Lester Taylor said...

Come and watch the elephant, that'll cheer you up.