Sunday 21 June 2009

Le Hoon du Jour: Cock-lin Port

How very Daily Mail of him to say:

"Each time these images are viewed it is a fresh victimisation of the child," he said. "Tighter governance is crucial. We need a nationwide accreditation system with clear rules and safeguarding of victims and a fail-safe that allows accreditation to be withdrawn should any aspect of those rules be breached."

Fuck all to do with the fact that the police are ignoring identity theft, even if it means that you can shafted with an utterly pointless Operation Ore investigation. Fuck all to do with the fact that the police have become a useless, corrupt organisation, sucking up to their political masters at the higher ranks and filled with expense-fiddling cunts lower down ... all at the expense of those of us who have to pay for a "service" that is more about fucking us over than protecting us from crime.



Mark The Skint Sailor said...

He's not the only senior policeman that thinks he's judge and jury:

Rob said...

Strange that what appears to be the biggest fucking miscarriage of justice in British history is being ignored by the MSM. I can recall one article.

I'm sure Liberty are all over this...ha.

Hacked Off said...

Not to mention brutally arresting women for daring to ask for a badge number....

The Penguin