Wednesday 28 October 2009

Costs up, detections down ...

... so why are the police so keen to keep our DNA?

Over the last two years, the number of individual profiles held on the NDNAD has risen from around 4.4 million to 5.6 million in March 2009.

Is it working?

However, during the period in question, the total number of crime scene matches dropped from 41,717 to 36,727. Given the increased number of profiles held, this is not inconsistent with some criminals changing their behaviour to avoid leaving samples.

I'll take that as a "no", then.

And how come there's been a 25% increase in samples held when the government keeps telling us that crime is down. But I guess the there's an even bigger issue here:

The raw figure for offences where crime detection resulted directly from a DNA match show a fall from 19,949 to 17,463 in the same period.

Riiiight ... so we have more samples, fewer crime scene matches, fewer detections ... something is still missing, though. Hmmm.

Oh yes, that's what's missing!

Over the last year, costs have doubled

Don't you just love everything the government does to keep us all safe?


Chris said...

If I were criminally minded I'd leave cigarette butts at the scenes of my crimes. These butts being taken from the smoking shelter of a police station.

Anonymous said...

Dear Oboe, once the numbers reach 25% of the U.K population (& they nearly are) then exponentially plod will have all samples via familial DNA profiles.