... inspired Theresa Villiers to announce the effective end of speed cameras this week; the Tories won’t fund any more fixed speed cameras and councils will have to demonstrate that they are effective in cutting accidents before they are allowed to use them. The Tories are hoping that vehicle activated signs, which tell people what speed they are driving and are more effective at cutting accidents than speed cameras, will become the default on British roads.
Seriously. That is the most positive, most winning-of-uncritical-admiration policy they've put forward so far.
Maybe there is some hope, after all.
Yes and the ambulance chasing lawyers will be rubbing their hands and chasing the local authorities/police/government when someone gets killed by a speeding motorist following the removal of a speed camera, mark my words.
Cynical attempt, blah blah, road deaths, blah blah, childrenanschools, rhubarb rhubarb, nasty party, yada yada.
Just because it is going to piss off so many Righteous bastards and their special interest groups it gets a huge thumbs up from me.
Indeed - hoo-fucking-yaayy-yaaay-yaaayyy
About bloody time! Now to get rid of all the useless CCTV cameras!
It's only a moratorium on new ones - not getting rid of the vast number of existing ones. Now that WOULD be a vote winner.
And the VAS signs are really annoying when they flash at you when you're actually doing BELOW the speed limit.
I know I should be doing the yah! etc. and this seems off topic but I'll just put in a simple non-radical effective way to reduce town centre congestion: make every parking space more expensive by limiting the time cars may remain in situ i.e. you can park for 15 minutes in the town centre with no return for two hours, or the secondary area for 25 minutes etc.
This works and the perfect example is a wee Scotch toon called Dumfries where it has been in place for 12 years or more.
They also use the polite 'excuse me but you appear to be speeding' signs.
Scots being liberal? You have to be fucking joking, surely.
Bring it on.
"...vehicle activated signs, which tell people what speed they are driving and are more effective at cutting accidents"
Errr no.
Vehicle activated signs, which tell people they are exceeding the limit are effective.
Vehicle activated signs, which tell people what speed they are driving encourages a certain breed of cretin to achieve a higher figure than his mate.
Do we believe the hype, that's the thing?
And I can't believe it, but I'm top of the hit parade of your 'comment whores'.
Well, I should feel proud then.
"The Tories" won't fund "any more"?
Does that include "Tory councils" or "the central Tory government"? Will they prevent councils "funding" their own cameras? Who will prove whether they cut accidents? The same people who "proved" that fifth hand smoke causes kids to die at the other end of the street? What happens to the cameras already there?
@sixtypoundsaweek. Don't let it go to your head. I'm also in the top 10 and I've said absolutely fuck all. Still didn't get a prize from the poxy Clown. Not even a balloon.
Yeah fookin' right Obo, they will most probably put it in their manifesto, and look how fucking binding that piece of shit is!
Nigel Farage berates the Eurocrats over the Irish referendum
"Just because it is going to piss off so many Righteous bastards and their special interest groups it gets a huge thumbs up from me."
Me too.
And I love those vehicle activated signs that show a smiley face if under 30, and a frowny face if over 30. Makes my day if I can make tthem frown... ;)
Are you lot falling for the same shit different tie again......
The cameras bring an income...they won't be phased out for at least two years of new Government. And there will be no congruency across the UK more sporadic, which will cause civil unrest, not to mention Stats tend to become convenient within local councils....their not going anywhere...
Oh but I don’t really care I live in the country...too many cows on the road to speed..!
^^^ what she said
But the thought of all those do gooders choking on their breakfast lentils gives me a nice warm glow :0)
Weasel words again from the Tories.
Curmudgeon is right.
"Oh but I don’t really care I live in the country...too many cows on the road to speed..!"
I live in the city...and its much the same.
Won't somebody think of the chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Good point about VAS speed indicators. Assuming they've been set up properly in the first place they are useful for checking the accuracy of your speedo, but they can be a magnet for chavs trying to see who can get the highest score. They got round the problem here in Oz by displaying any speed higher than the limit + 7kph simply as '>107' or by flashing the numbers (not sure which as I've never set one off - there aren't that many).
As long as I hear just one whining do-gooder complaining on the Toady programme that it is a step backwards, I'm happy.
Would they be allowed to? Doesn't most of our councils policies emanate from the EU body, the Committee of the Regions?
After Lisbon, Dave is pretty much limited to TV appearances with little or no actual power to do anything.
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