Wednesday, 9 December 2009


I'm sitting here, rather downhearted. I'm waiting for the Badger-browed Trotskyite to tell us how fucked we are and more importantly, how much harder he's going to fuck us next year.

But part of me isn't so worried about that prospect as I am worried about him not telling us how bad it is, and soft-soaping the coming disaster.

What do you think is going to matter more? Launching the general election campaign, or facing up to a decade of mis-management?


Dungeekin said...

15 minutes in, and it's the General Election campaign.

All soft-soap bollocks in the knowledge the Tories will be making the hard calls.


JuliaM said...

Well, I guess we know now, don't we? Not that anyone ever really doubted it...

Catosays said...

Was nice to hear George ripping him to shreds.

AntiCitizenOne said...

Gordo deserves to win, so when the country implodes it's his family pushed against the wall.