Saturday 16 January 2010

Blog post of the whatever

Just absolutely non-stop win, including "why LPUK smells of kippers"...


Eckersalld said...

I read the B&D post and comments - I was tempted to post, but felt getting involved in that clusterfuck was about as smart as bungee jumping into a black hole.

It was more fucked up than my dreams. And my dreams have included naked Jesus clones chasing midget nuns on space hoppers, so I feel qualified about spotting fucked up things...

Obnoxio The Clown said...

We've all had that dream.

Haven't we?

Anonymous said...

We fucking will now.

Tomrat said...

I'thank you.

What does non-stop win mean?

Obnoxio The Clown said...

It's a good thing. :o)

Tomrat said...

I see; we fear what we don't understand in these parts. Grrr. In other news did anyone catch SkyNews this morning with (saggy)Balls claiming the Borys were engaging in social engineering. Outstanding bit of conitive dissonance.

Met Shades a few months back in Morley, Balls' constituency. The feeling amongst many of his constituents was that he was soon not going to be able to flip his homes on their dime.