Tuesday 25 May 2010


I'm fairly certain Tom Harris won't be publishing my comment on his blog post here:

I doubt if Cameron himself buys into any of that stuff, which exposes his support for this policy as no more than headline-grabbing. But it’s dangerous headline grabbing. The British Prime Minister should not be indulging this nonsense, should not be jumping on the anti-politics bandwagon.

My comment?

Gosh Tom, good thing Labour never stooped to a cheap headline, or a dangerous policy. Like, say “British jobs for British workers.”

Otherwise you’d look like a hypocritical prick.

Or does his blog say somewhere: "I doubt if Brown himself buys into any of that stuff, which exposes his support for this policy as no more than headline-grabbing. But it’s dangerous headline grabbing. The British Prime Minister should not be indulging this nonsense, should not be jumping on the anti-immigrant bandwagon."

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