Thursday 22 July 2010

Cognitive Dissonance ...

The "Rapper" edition:

Best known for provocative songs such as 1992's Cop Killer, Ice-T now plays an NYPD detective on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.



JuliaM said...

He's pretty good in the role too!

Anonymous said...

This is like saying Steven Seagal is cognitively dissonant if he ever plays on a film about attacking a cop (because he really is one)

Cop Killer is a work of art (in the loosest sense physically possible) in that, it's not neccessarily fact. In Ice-T's own words, it's a story. Next you'll be criticising Snoop Dog for not being dead after Murder was the case?

It really takes a lot to think that he ever advocated killing cops, he's probably the biggest pussy of a Gangsta Rapper ever.

More importantly though, heard the song? Most people think it's rap, but it's actually a Heavy Metal Song... By Body Count, Ice-T's Heavy Metal band.

Anonymous said...

Silly Git!

Ice-T has been playing that role for years. Law and Order is getting retired, SVU has been extended and a new spin off has arrived.

I guess the series finally made it to the UK or you've started watching HULU.

Anonymous said...

SVU has been showing in the UK for years...