Monday 12 July 2010

There's always someone worse off than you!

I've had a murderous couple of weeks at work and my social life (such as it is) has taken a severe beating. But today, I read something that really made me realise that compared to some people, my life is brimful of good times and great company.

I mean, seriously: how desperate would have to be to go that far to meet a couple of people at a pub for a drink?


sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

Why don't they meet in the House of Commons and set the world to rights at £2.20 a pint? Then they could all get merrily pissed off their faces, comforted by the thought that our taxes are subsidising them.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Fuck that. Let the fuckers pay top whack, it's their fucking crack-addled policies that are ruining the country.

microdave said...

Regardless of whether he finds somewhere or not, it still doesn't alter the fact that his favourite political party have bankrupted this country, and there's NO MONEY LEFT.

Try going to your bank and demanding more cash when you've already exceeded your overdraft!


Dick Puddlecote said...

It could be a dream sequence. The nearer he gets to the pub, the more they run away.

sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

Nah....the House of Commons is the place. At £2.20 per pint, they're more likely to be seen wallowing in their own vomit.

Then hopefully, they will crack their heads open on the urinals in the gents and well...die a slow and horrible death, safe in the knowledge that their ignominy will be covered by the News of the Screws, the Barclay Brothers' Bonanza and at least part of Kay Burley's front.

Should be fun...

View from the Solent said...

Shouldn't they be meeting somewhere that sells only fairtrade coffee, rather than contributing to the profits of those who are grinding the faces of English workers into the dust?

Kingbingo said...

No matter how much you despise me remember there is a whole other universe of utter cuntry.

sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

How much we despise you? Why are you a politician? *gasp* *horror*

Vladimir said...

Being liberals, they should meet in an illegal pub backroom filled with cigarette smoke, in protest against the continued fascist persecution of smokers by the Coalition government. There, they should drink more than the recommended daily intake of alcohol, smoke cigarettes, cigars and joints, and then eat some fast food that is full of both sugar and salt. Lastly, they should agree on a short manifesto that says, simply, "Leave us alone".

Oh wait, no... they're not liberal liberals, they're authoritarian do-as-I-say "liberals". Fairtrade coffee and whining about "Tory cuts" it is, then.

Anonymous said...

Fuck me you still alive plagerising cunt still stealing from your employer? come on kill yourself, you know it makes sense. Cunt, nah thats useful you are not.

Mitch said...

They could all meet in a phone box.

Mummylonglegs said...

If there was a god the only place these fuckers would be meeting up would be Job Centre Plus

Mummy x

Anonymous said...

I hope the greasy little cunt invites a few homeless people for free drinks at his expense.

That's what this vermin wants to do to us.

chris said...

It might be easier to find a venue had his favourite political party not bankrupted so many pubs with their smoking ban.