Monday, 25 July 2011

Can I really face it though?

I can feel it. I'm getting sucked back into the world of trying to explain to people that we don't need a government with a gun to our heads to make us all get along.

I can see the endless, circular arguments because people are so terrified of not having someone to mollycoddle them.

Do I really want to get back into this?


Simon Cooke said...

Your problem is ideology - which isn't a disagreement merely an observation. If I believe the wall is pea green and you say it is lilac there is not meeting point, nor any chance of a meeting point.

People are comfortable with government but uncomfortable with the aspects of government that affect their lives - the absence of government is scary but the idea of government being less bothersome could be popular.

One step at a time sweet jesus :)

SorenK said...

Yes! the world needs more Obo.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

SorenK, that's not what my doctor says! :o)

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Simon, thanks for so very clearly illustrating why I'm reluctant to start again. :o)

NewsboyCap said...


You may not want to, but it sure is fun for your readers.

Mitch said...

Yes, We need your point of view.
You changed my opinion/views on Government.

Call it therapy, Rant, rave change the world even if its one person at a time.

The world would be a duller place without the odd bucket of Clown bile.

JuliaM said...

Simon Cooke:"...but the idea of government being less bothersome could be popular."

I'd like to think so, but reading the local news as I do, sadly the most frequent refrain is 'They need to do something!' about whatever is the current problem.

When it changes to 'WE need to do something!' I'll be happier.

The Grim Reaper said...

Can you face it? Well, only you can ultimately answer that question.

Would you be welcome back in the blogosphere? Hell yes. You seem to have a unique take on a lot of things which I feel is missing at present. I'd love to see your return.

Dr Evil said...

Yes, you ought to. Freedom of thought and expression is important!

Jill said...

Evangelism doesn't sit comfortably then?!

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Jill, there's only so many times you can try to make the same set of points to the same brick wall response.

Michael Fowke said...

"People are so terrified of not having someone to mollycoddle them."

A lot of people, but not everyone. You can consider some sort of government necessary, even if you loathe politicians and regard them all as scumbags.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried setting up a community group to tackle a problem that the state are not willing to engage with..within about 2 months people start to argue, fall-out and try to dominate each other, its quite special! Humans are pretty average bunch!

Jill said...

Well, ok, I'll bite - but I think you're just navel-gazing really. Tell me why property is the one untouchable, then? Why is freedom to own, rather than not to own? I don't recall you covering that angle (although I am an intermittent reader). Feel free to swear. I enjoy swearing.

Anonymous said...


Maybe because all rights are property rights, starting with the most basic: we own ourselves and our bodies.

Jer said...

Can you face it?

Only you can say.

But then surely what you do, when you do it and how are all in your control?

So how bad could it be?

kitler said...

Just keep preaching to the converted. You'll never convince the masses of thier folly but you do provide reasurance to those who see the world as you do. Sometimes thats enough.

microdave said...

It's no good standing at the window and feeling sorry for yourself - get your arse back behind the keyboard!

Anonymous said...

No need to try explaining stuff. Most people take no notice of anything you tell them anyway. Just comment on anything you feel like commenting on, sit back and let everyone agree, disagree, misunderstand, or whatever they want to do. Most of all keep posting anything you can label "teh funneh". My brother thinks I have an inexhaustible fund of amusing videos; actually I find most of them here, so thanks for making me look omniscient :-)

Simon Clare said...

Please do face it - There is a RISING TIDE of inane shit and we need more mouths to shout at it. Otherwise it'll take over. Just fucking LISTEN to it all! Help!

The Nameless Libertarian said...

No, you probably don't want to get back into this. But when you are surrounded by bovine opinions of bovine people apparently incapable of thinking rationally or intelligently, the temptation to get back into it becomes too much to resist.

At least that's the way it works for me.

Anonymous said...

"But when you are surrounded by bovine opinions of bovine people apparently incapable of thinking rationally or intelligently, the temptation to get back into it becomes too much to resist.

At least that's the way it works for me"

Me too. I will post on your blog a sickening story about a girl and her parents who simply could not grasp a simple point.

Woodsy42 said...

Go for it! Some people might think you are occasionally talking a load of rubbish but what the hell. Opinions are useful, they are the spur to further thought, and yours are usefully provocative.

Ed P said...

There's a permanent Obo-sized location in the bloggoverse, so you can come and go as you please - it will always be there and welcome you back. (Enough pretentious twattery.)

I always read your posts with interest and glean much from your unique slant - please continue.

ManNotNumber said...

I read your blog to know that I am not alone.

Ir'Rational said...

No. You don't.
Spare us.

Carpe Jugulum said...

If you have a message or opinion Obo get it out there.

That is the main thing, people aren't alone in their mindset, but if they can't find people with similar views, (or views they disagree with), then we are fucked.

Chief_Sceptic said...

Splash your unique brand of bile, as often and as copiously as possible, please ! ...

You only have to "convert" 2 people, who then "convert" 2 people each, and soon the World ...