Sunday 3 August 2008

Caption Competition: Do Your Worst ...


Obnoxio The Clown said...

"... and if I get my hands on Miliband, I'm going to rip his testicles out of his ballbag like this ..."

"Yes, dear. Is that a pie-van over there? I'm feeling a bit peckish!"

Mark Wadsworth said...

"See that man over there, Gordon?"

"The one in the hat?"

"No, the one in the pale jacket, about 60 years old"

"Yes, I see him, what about him, Sarah?"

"Well, he thinks that you are a totally useless waste of space as well.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

"Fuck books deals and directorships, Sarah, when I leave government I'm going to be in the Next catalogue, that's where the money is!"

"Is that a tidal wave coming in?"

Jeremy Jacobs said...

"Look Gordon darling, there's some middle-class people over there"

"Yes, let's squeeze some more tax out of them then"

TheFatBigot said...

"I think that man there is your remaining supporter, please don't grin at him."