Friday 12 September 2008

So, what's the best outcome?

Rumours are flying about, the knives are out for Gorgon Brownshirt. The Blairite faction of ZaNu Labia have started briefing heavily, following in the footsteps of Charlie the Safety Elephant. A leadership challenge has been called for and a whip has been shown the door.

So, here's what I'm hoping: Gorgon Brownshirt survives all this. He sees off the leadership challenge, because they only manage 68 votes. Terminally wounded and limping, but too arrogant to give up the prize he has waited for all these years, he will stagger on till 2010. Unable to achieve anything, unable to effect a single policy, staggering from cock-up to cock-up, haemorrhaging what little political capital Labour have, reducing the inept, bungling fools into pusillanimous mice that will be crushed into oblivion. Vicious in-fighting, bitching, sniping, bickering, briefing ... basically anything that will stop these cunts from fucking around with us while they destroy themselves.

Fingers crossed!

Update: From Guido's comments:

The conference speech is going to be excruciating. Worse than sitting on the sofa with your granny watching a video of your parents bonking.


Mark Wadsworth said...

This worries me. If Nulab fuck up badly enough - and I agree that they probably will - then Blulab can just march in unopposed and continue with the same crap that has blighted this country for decades.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Blulab are in unopposed. My only hope is that the handful of old lags remember what happened to them last time.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer to see Brown and Labour just go now. Please just go.

I think Brown's done enough to Labour to keep them out of power for a while, and I agree with Mark. Much as I want this lot gone (Go now, did I mention that?) - I don't trust Cameron not to be more of the same, maybe not quite as bad but who knows. No opposition for the Tories would not necessarily be a good thing!


Obnoxio The Clown said...

I am "conflicted" about this. I also don't want the Tories to waltz home unopposed.

But I do want Labour crushed into dust and consigned to the anals [sic] of history. I do want a clear message to politicians that tax and spend is the kiss of death.

And do I want to see Gorgon suffer, because that is the only comeback we will have: the chance to see him ridiculed by everyone, too cowardly to leave with any dignity (it's too late already, anyway) and surrounded by a party that is too impotent to do anything about it. We will never get the chance to do what we would really like to.

Anonymous said...

The need is to break the cosy set up where Brown leaves, Cameron steps in and nothing changes. We the public are still cash cows for their vanity projects. The USA has Sarah Palin shaking the gold fish bowl. We need someone similar who is 'real', and knows what its like on the ground. I don't see anyone who is currently in politics who fits the bill, do you?

Mark Wadsworth said...

Ronb, I'm up for being PM if there's a vacancy.