Thursday 15 January 2009

Deranged fuckwit opens yap, talks shit


A government minister was attacked by opposition party members today after she said she could see the "green shoots" of an economic recovery.

My guess is they're actually green polyps in the Gorgon's rectum, you daft flange. What the fuck is it with all these fucking Baronesses anyway? They all seem to be hugely corrupt or fucking mental. Perhaps they should wear a neon sign that says "Warning: Baroness. Keep away!"


Hacked Off said...

Surely no government minister could be so crass and insensitive?

She has obviously been quoted out of context.

Perhaps she was referring to the appearnce of snowdrops in Holland Park, which are making an early show thanks to Global Warming (started in America)?

The Penguin

Anonymous said...

Another deranged toady with only one tit, and thats on her fucking shoulders

Dave H said...

Labour are trying to plug the gardening metaphor. Research informs them the public think Gordon has 'green fingers.'

Leg-iron said...

But Gordon does have green fingers.

They're covered with the green shoots which emerge wriggling from his nose.

That's what Her Barrenness was referring to, surely?