Friday, 29 April 2016

I'm sorry, what??

Sometimes, it's the little things in big stories that make you stop:

Bimlenbra Jha, chief executive of Tata Steel UK, told the Business select committee that the UK had "structural weaknesses" that made the UK steel industry uncompetitive.

Business rates and high energy costs were top of the list.

On energy, he said that if Tata was operating in Germany, its energy bill would be £40m a year lower. The Tata chief defended the company's decision to put the business up for sale saying that the company and its shareholders could not continue to bleed. The business is estimated to be losing £1m a day.

OK, let's break this down. The civil service think man-made climate change is a big thing, therefore the government has instituted massive energy taxes to discourage people from making stuff that needs a lot of energy. Making steel takes a fucktonne of energy. Closing down Port Talbot will be a non-trivial step towards meeting our civil service approved emission reduction targets.

In other words, whether or not you agree with climate change being a thing, and our fault, and something that we can fix, and are fixing in the right way, the fact of the matter is that saying "tata to Tata" is exactly the the kind of outcome you would expect and want from our climate change policies.

However, despite the fact that it's only Morlocks losing their jobs, of course, there are votes to be had here, so now everyone has to panic and pretend to care. It's the usual fiasco of a planned economy.

Hidden away further down, though, was this little nugget:
Mr Javid said steps had already been taken to help on energy costs with £130m paid out since 2013 to compensate high energy users who incur environmental surcharges.

Just think about that: the glorious state has decided that we need saving from ourselves, so let's make energy more expensive. We start to get saved from ourselves, but suddenly we need to compensate businesses who have to pay the environmental surcharge.

What the actual fucking fuck is that all about? Make someone pay a tax and then give them a fucking handout to say sorry? I'm really dying to know which fucking retarded spastic cunt thought this was a remotely sensible fucking idea.


Jim said...

" I'm really dying to know which fucking retarded spastic cunt thought this was a remotely sensible fucking idea"

Simple - Ed Miliband, the architect of the Climate Change Act. The very epitome of fucking retarded spastic cunts, the man who couldn't even eat a bacon sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Can us poor pensioners who can't afford to heat our houses get a handout to compensate for the energy surcharges added to our utility bills?

Yours faithfully
Poor and pissed off pensioner, currently cuddled up with wife under a blanket on the settee after 2 days of freezing temperatures and snow storms in sunny Scotland.

patently said...

It's a sensible idea. Just like taxing people and then giving them in-work benefits. You gradually transfer control and ownership of people's money from them to the State, making them into compliant clients of an ever-more-powerful State.

Well, it's sensible if you're a Statist control freak, anyway.

Dr Evil said...

Ah, some excellent ranting in the last two sentences. I cannot fault you though. Those green levies should be scrapped for everyone.

John miller said...

Handing out taxpayers money is all part of a politician's pension fund.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous you said "Can us poor pensioners who can't afford to heat our houses get a handout to compensate for the energy surcharges added to our utility bills?"

Sorry but you poor pensioners already get a state handout it's called the "cold weather allowance" or "winter fuel payment" last I heard it was hand out to anyone born before 1953.

So if you ain't getting it you ain't a pensioner

Anonymous said...

Just how much do you think the winter fuel payment contributes to a years heating bills in freezing Scotland?

Just Trevor said...

It reminds me of when local councils claim that dealing with domestic waste is prohibitively expensive. There's nothing innately expensive about setting fire to a pile of crap or digging a big hole and burying it: the expense is self-inflicted because the government imposes taxes in order to punish us for insulting Gaia or whatever. It's no wonder we can't compete: it's like going onto the ring against Mike Tyson but insisting that one hand is tied behind your back, i.e. fucking retarded.