See Jonah in his sequined jodhpurs, turquoise shirt and beige jacket.
When they get to the park, Janet says 'I'm just popping to the grocery store for something for tea. Will you play nicely here until I get back?'
'Oh yeth' says Jonah, 'I'll play on the thlide and rockinghorse until you get back.' See Jonah skip into the park.
When Jonah gets to the slide, he sees Mr Balls sitting on the park bench.
'Hello Jonah,' says Mr Balls.
'Hello Mr Balls,' says Jonah.
While Jonah is on the slide, Mr Balls calls him over to the swings.
'Would you push me on the swing Jonah?' asks Mr Balls.
'Yeth, of courth,' says Jonah and begins to build up a head of steam as he pushes Mr Balls higher and higher.
'Not too high!' cries Mr Balls and Jonah slows down until the swing eventually stops.
'Thank you Jonah' says Mr Balls, 'that was the best time I've had for ages!'
See Jonah skip off to meet Janet.
'Have you had fun in the park?' asks Janet.
'Oh yeth!', says Jonah.
'I met Mr Balls and we played. I pushed him to the limit and then eased off until he slowed down. He said I was the best swinger he'd ever had!'
Do you know what a beard is? Jonah does!
1 comment:
Excellent! I assume that you meant to add 'With apologies to Wogan and Marsh'? ;)
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