Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Oh, COME ON!!!

Via leg-iron, comes the quite unbelievable news that the government is going to try and entice people to vote in local elections by offering "free donuts or entries to a prize draw in exchange for voting by local councils, under the government's new white paper on community empowerment."

I can, quite literally, not believe my eyes.

In my opinion, the New Labour government has been the single most useless government I've seen. They are quite staggeringly patronising, insulting and to a man or woman, exactly the kind of politician that gives politics a bad name. When I ask Labour supporters for the achievements of the last 11 years, I'm invariably offered some socialist cockwaffle of the very highest order and an incontrovertible case that their "achievements" are matters of opinion and not matters of solid, physical fact. Every single target they have set themselves, they have failed to achieve.

All they have managed to do is piss out incredible sums of our money on fatuous projects, wars and management consultants.

But even by their standards, this is incredible.

It comes as absolutely not surprise that this facile lunacy stems from the deranged brain of Hazel Blears, far and away the most smug, self-satisfied and patronising harpy in a collection of some note. Hazel's television performances always leave me with two distinct impressions:

1. She really does look like a hamster, albeit a punchably smug one.
2. She operates in broadcast-only mode. She's there to share her wisdom with insignificant little you, and anything you say will simply be ignored while she tells you what you need to hear.

I hate these people. I despise them. They are venal and corrupt and they are destroying Britain. They should be taken far away to a remote island with all their spawn and never allowed to set foot here again. They are abomination.


Old Holborn said...

We really do need to show the stock exchange graph again. Do you have a copy (or have you eaten it?)

Old Holborn said...

Oh, another thing...

This little sweetie wandered into Guidos a couple of times

Fetch Obo, Fetch

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Old Holborn, you're a cheeky cunt. I'm not your research assistant, why don't you get your nubile Norwegian to do your dirty work for you? (Was this what you meant?)

And that Green Despatcher sounds like your ex-wife, I'm not fucking touching that with a bargepole.