Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Holy Moly!

(The missus read my blog and promptly gave me a clip round the ear for excessive use of the words "fuck" and "cunt", so I thought I'd at least try to keep this one clean.)

It's pay review time at the BBC, and I don't mind telling you that I'm somewhere beyond stunned.

Some of the BBC's most senior executives have been awarded pay rises of more than £100,000 in a year when the corporation has been dogged by fakery scandals and job cuts.

I'm sorry? Who's paying for this again? Oh yeah, me. Kind of. Still, at least the people getting the rewards deserve it:

Jana Bennett, the Director of Vision, who was heavily criticised for her role in the "Crowngate affair" where footage of a documentary about the Queen was wrongly edited for a trailer of the programme, saw her salary rise from £433,000 to £536,000 last year, an increase of 24 per cent.

I'm beyond speechless. A hundred grand PAY RISE?!?!???!!? I wouldn't even pay the useless cretins a hundred grand between them, let alone a hundred grand per person increase.

Dave: sell the whole thing off. Reith is already spinning in his grave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pussy-whipped motherfucker.