Monday 4 August 2008

The Rise of the Fingermen?

I've already blogged about the plastic policemen, but Ian P-J raises something I didn't know and find rather scary:

REAL police officers swear allegiance to the Crown, whereas PCSO's only have allegiance to the Home Office, and are the political police of the future along with the SOCA, who also only have allegiance to the Home Office. (A sworn police officer who wishes to join SOCA must resign his post and renounce his crown oath before joining).

For the Home Office, this underhand strategy has 2 benefits. Firstly they are buying votes from creating jobs dependent on the Government, secondly, they now have 2 organisations, headed by politically motivated and aligned personnel that can be used outside of the Judicial system at both a national and local level, essential and historically proven in all dictatorial regimes.

I did not realise that PCSOs and SOCAs do not have the same allegiances. I find it particularly worrying that a copper who wants to become a SOCA has to renounce his oath of allegiance. Are SOCAs not loyal to the country, then?

It does sound like a recipe for a police state, rather than a strong police force.


IanPJ said...

I would like to draw your attention to a post I did in Feb 07, outlining the similarities in building a police state to a regime past.

In reading the article, please remember that the UK government has recently passed the 42 days detention rules, this only adds weight to my argument of moving towards a police state, using methods that have been tried and trusted by past authoritarian governments.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

If I was depressed before ...

Old Holborn said...

I always laugh at them.

They are so stupid, they laugh back.

Anonymous said...

If you do not swear the Oath of Allegiance TO the Crown then you cannot legally exercise the authority OF the Crown.
Further, since whatever "authority" you have is not CROWN authority, no one who HAS sworn the Oath can recognise or accept it without contravening that Oath (which CANNOT be "renounced" and is binding for LIFE).
As a former soldier, I CANNOT accept or recognise within the borders of the UK the "authority" of ANYONE who has not sworn the Oath. I would be committing TREASON were I to do so. The same applies to ALL serving and ex-servicemen and ALL serving and ex-POLICE OFFICERS, too.
There are many thousands of us....