Monday 25 August 2008

The voters have spoken, part 6

83 people voted on man-made climate change, 86.7% (72 people) think it's a load of crap, 2.4% (2 people) truly believe and 10.9% (9 people) don't care because they have bigger worries on their plate.

Good. Remember this when it comes to voting for the Green party, Green Labour, the equally Green Lib-Dems and the new Green Tories.


Sackerson said...

It's all a bit like deciding where the coach should go. No matter who gets the steering wheel, many will be dissatisfied. If we're serious about freedom we need to reduce the power of the collective.

RobW said...

Hopefully we can kill of Green Socialism before it goes too far.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

It's already gone too far.

HeartAttackSurvivor said...

Make that 84 votes but you closed the poll before I got a chance to vote.
Sorry, I've been away.
Anyway, make that 73/9/2.
Found out who the deluded 2 were yet?
Or what they're smoking?